If I push a Runnable to a redisson distributed executor service, what rules am I required to oblige by?
Surely , I can not have free reign, I do not see how that is possible, yet, it is not mention in the docs at all, nor are any rules apparently enforced by the API, like R extends Serializable or similar.
If I pass this runnable:
new Runnable(()-> {
// What can I access here, and have it be recreated in whatever server instance picks it up later for execution?
// newlyCreatedInstanceCreatedJustBeforeThisRunnableWasCreated.isAccissible(); // ?
// newlyComplexInstanceSuchAsADatabaseDriverThatisAccessedHere.isAccissible(); // ?
// transactionalHibernateEntityContainingStaticReferencesToComplexObjects....
// I think you get the point.
// Does Redisson serialize everything within this scope?
// When it is recreated later, surely, I can not have access to those exact objects, unless they run on the same server, right?
// If the server goes does and up, or another server executes this runnable, then what happens?
// What rules do we have to abide by here?
Also, what rules do we have to abide by when pushing something to a RQueue, RBlockingDequeu, or Redisson live objects?
It is not clear from the docs.
Also, would be great if a link to a single site documentation site could be provided. The one here requires a lot of clickin and navigation:
You can have an access to RedisClient and taskId. Full state of task object will be serialized.
TaskRetry setting applied to each task. If task isn’t executed after 5 minutes since the moment of start then it will requeued.
I agree that the documentation is lacking some "under the hood" explanations.
I was able to execute db reads and inserts through the Callable/runnable that was submitted to the remote ExecutorService.
I configured a single Redis on a remote VM, the database and the app running locally on my laptop.
The tasks were executed without any errors.