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I have a redis sentinel master slave setup with 1 master and 3 slaves and this is in Kubernetes environment.In the spring lettuce configuration, I have to specify the sentinels URLs with port numbers. How should I specify the URL for each sentinel? Spring doc specifies IP and port. In the local it’s ok but when in k8s, how should I configure? I installed the set up with bitnami redis chart. Below is how it’s done locally.

public RedisConnectionFactory lettuceConnectionFactory() {
    RedisSentinelConfiguration sentinelConfig = 
        new RedisSentinelConfiguration().master("mymaster")
                                        .sentinel("", 26379)
                                        .sentinel("", 26380);
    return new LettuceConnectionFactory(sentinelConfig);




  1. Install the helm chart with sentinel enabled

    helm install my-release bitnami/redis --set sentinel.enabled=true

    A service with name my-release-redis will be created and can be accessed via my-release-redis.namespacename.svc.cluster.local:26379 from any namespace and from the same namespace it’s much simpler using my-release-redis:26379

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  2. First thing -> using the bitnami helm chart is the right way to do things.

    Although a bit of a different implementation, heres how we implemented the same master slave setup AND also avoided the above problem while ensuring the MAXIMUM availability we ever witnessed (less than 2 secs Downtime for master)

    • We made two services – one for master and another for slaves.

    • a PV PVC that was shared between the slaves and master where ONLY Master would write and slaves would only read from PV

    • this way we could always ensure that there was 1 pod running ALL time for master and N replicas behind the headless service for slaves.

    In application slaves and master URL’s would always be different, thus ensuring a clear “WRITE” and “READ” isolation and improving the stability of system with almost no failures for reads.

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