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The latest version of Redis Docker has introduced TLS/ SSL features. But I am not able to figure out how to enable it for Redis Docker of the latest version.

Further, I would also like to know, how to modify the number of IO threads, for multithreading, also introduced in Redis 6, for a Docker environment?



  1. BUILD_TLS is enabled for Docker’s Redis v6 image.

    Configuring the Redis server in the container is done by:

    1. Create a config file on the host, e.g. /my/redis.conf
    2. Mount the file and give as an argument when launching the container: docker -v /my/redis.conf:/redis.conf ... redis:6.0 /redis.conf
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  2. 2023 update

    If you just want a Docker container that has redis on it with SSL enabled here is what you need


    # Plain redis-cli command will not work
    # redis-cli --tls --cert tests/tls/redis.crt --key tests/tls/redis.key --cacert tests/tls/ca.crt
    FROM redis:7 as base
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install openssl
    USER redis
    COPY --chown=redis:redis ./.docker/dev/redis/ ./
    RUN chmod +x ./
    RUN ./
    CMD ["redis-server", "--tls-port", "6379", "--port", "0", "--tls-cert-file", "tests/tls/redis.crt", "--tls-key-file", "tests/tls/redis.key", "--tls-ca-cert-file", "tests/tls/ca.crt"]

    The file simply uses openssl to generate all the required crt and key files

    # Generate some test certificates which are used by the regression test suite:
    #   tests/tls/ca.{crt,key}          Self signed CA certificate.
    #   tests/tls/redis.{crt,key}       A certificate with no key usage/policy restrictions.
    #   tests/tls/client.{crt,key}      A certificate restricted for SSL client usage.
    #   tests/tls/server.{crt,key}      A certificate restricted for SSL server usage.
    #   tests/tls/redis.dh              DH Params file.
    generate_cert() {
        local name=$1
        local cn="$2"
        local opts="$3"
        local keyfile=tests/tls/${name}.key
        local certfile=tests/tls/${name}.crt
        [ -f $keyfile ] || openssl genrsa -out $keyfile 2048
        openssl req 
            -new -sha256 
            -subj "/O=Redis Test/CN=$cn" 
            -key $keyfile | 
            openssl x509 
                -req -sha256 
                -CA tests/tls/ca.crt 
                -CAkey tests/tls/ca.key 
                -CAserial tests/tls/ca.txt 
                -days 365 
                -out $certfile
    mkdir -p tests/tls
    [ -f tests/tls/ca.key ] || openssl genrsa -out tests/tls/ca.key 4096
    openssl req 
        -x509 -new -nodes -sha256 
        -key tests/tls/ca.key 
        -days 3650 
        -subj '/O=Redis Test/CN=Certificate Authority' 
        -out tests/tls/ca.crt
    cat > tests/tls/openssl.cnf <<_END_
    [ server_cert ]
    keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
    nsCertType = server
    [ client_cert ]
    keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
    nsCertType = client
    generate_cert server "Server-only" "-extfile tests/tls/openssl.cnf -extensions server_cert"
    generate_cert client "Client-only" "-extfile tests/tls/openssl.cnf -extensions client_cert"
    generate_cert redis "Generic-cert"
    [ -f tests/tls/redis.dh ] || openssl dhparam -out tests/tls/redis.dh 2048

    To run it just do

    docker build -t ssl_redis_image -f ...Dockerfile .
    docker run -p 6379:6379 --name ssl_redis_container ssl_redis_image
    docker exec -it ssl_redis_container sh

    Once you are inside the shell of the redis container
    you can try redis-cli and enter a simple command like

    SET val 1

    It ll immediately give you an error
    You will need to run redis-cli with the certificates as

    redis-cli --tls --cert tests/tls/redis.crt --key tests/tls/redis.key --cacert tests/tls/ca.crt

    And try setting a value again and you should be able to get it to work now

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