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I’m using redigo to store and retrieve data in redigo.
I have a struct that contains a type definition following time. I want to store the struct Data using HSET in Redis. I have a type definition to be able to use ScanStruct by adding a function RedisScan to my Timestamp type.

The problem is that Redis stores the Timestamp as ext, wall, loc following the time fields. You can’t create a new Time object from these fields so that’s fairly useless. What is the proper way to serialize a struct for redigo?

type Timestamp time.Time

func (t *Timestamp) RedisScan(x interface{}) error {

type Data struct {
    Timestamp  Timestamp `redis:"timestamp"`

func (r *RedisRepo) Write(data Data, key String) error {
    conn := r.pool.Get()
    defer conn.Close()
    conn.Send("HSET", redis.Args{key}.AddFlat(data)...)     

func (r *RedisRepo) Read(key string) (*Data, error) {
    var data Data
    conn := r.pool.Get()
    defer conn.Close()
    v, err := redis.Values(conn.Do("HGETALL", key))
    return redis.ScanStruct(v, &data)



  1. The redis.ScanStruct function and the Args.AddFlat method are missing features that make the pair usable as general purpose marshal/unmarshal functions.

    The approach for fixing the problem depends on what your goal is. ​
    See Save generic struct to redis if your goal is to load and save structs, not to access a Redis hash.

    If your goal is to access Redis hashes with defined names and values, then write code that translates between those definitions and Go values. Here’s an example for a hash that’s defined to have field "timestamp" with a value as decimal encoded Unix seconds:

    type Data struct {
        Timestamp time.Time
    func (r *RedisRepo) Write(data Data, key string) error {
        conn := r.pool.Get()
        defer conn.Close()
        _, err := conn.Do("HSET", key, "timestamp", data.Timestamp.Unix())
        return err
    func (r *RedisRepo) Read(key string) (*Data, error) {
        conn := r.pool.Get()
        defer conn.Close()
        v, err := redis.Values(conn.Do("HGETALL", key))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        var fields struct {
            Timestamp int64 `redis:"timestamp"`
        err = redis.ScanStruct(v, &fields)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return &Data{Timestamp: time.Unix(fields.Timestamp, 0)}, nil

    Adjust the code as needed to match the Redis hash field definitions. Here’s the code for time in RFC 3339 format:

    type Data struct {
        Timestamp time.Time
    func (r *RedisRepo) Write(data Data, key string) error {
        conn := r.pool.Get()
        defer conn.Close()
        _, err := conn.Do("HSET", key, "timestamp", data.Timestamp.Format(time.RFC3339))
        return err
    func (r *RedisRepo) Read(key string) (*Data, error) {
        conn := r.pool.Get()
        defer conn.Close()
        v, err := redis.Values(conn.Do("HGETALL", key))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        var fields struct {
            Timestamp string `redis:"timestamp"`
        err = redis.ScanStruct(v, &fields)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, fields.Timestamp)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return &Data{Timestamp: t}, nil

    The Read examples above are written so that the examples are easy to extend to multiple fields. If the application only needs to access a single field, replace the fields variable and ScanStruct nonsense with a call to redis.Int64(conn.Do("HGET", key, "timestamp") or redis.String(conn.Do("HGET", key, "timestamp")

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  2. If you are going to add something into Hash Set of Redis you need to have these three values at least.

    1. A name to your hashset
    2. Keys for your hashset(can add extra keys later on as well)
    3. Values for your hashset

    Best way of coding this is to add a wrapper on the redigo library to abstract the implementation and inject the dependency into your code.

    // Not the best way
    func dummy(){
        redisConn := redisCache.pool.Get()
        defer redisConn.Close()
        response, err := redisConn.Do("HSET", args...)
    type Implementation struct {
        RedisImplementation RedigoAbstractionConnection
    // Best way
    func (i Implementation) AddDataToRedisHashSet(hashName string, key string, value string) error {
        var args = []interface{}{hashName}
        args = append(args, key, value)
        _, err := i.RedisImplementation.HSET(args...) // Returns an interface and an error
        if err != nil{
            // Handle Error
        return nil
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