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I’m implementing a cache mechanism on my app using redis. I’m using redis ^4.0.2.

My app is organized like this:

 - index.js
 -- routes
    -- users.js
 -- controllers
    -- users.js
 -- models
    -- user.js
 -- db
    -- postgres.js
    -- redis.js

I would like to implement the cache at the models but I want to create the redis connection in db/redis.js and export it and have the model requiring it.

This is what db/redis.js looks like:

const Redis = require('redis');
const redisClient = Redis.createClient();


redisClient.on('connect', function() {
  console.log('Redis is Connected!');

redisClient.on('error', err => {
  console.log('Redis Error ' + err);

redisClient.on('end', () => {
  console.log('Redis disconnected');
redisClient.on('reconnecting', () => {
  console.log('Redis reconnecting');

module.exports = redisClient;

This is my model:

const postgresClient = require('../db/postgres');
const redisClient = require('../db/redis');

const getAllUsers = (params, callback) => {
   const page = || 1;
   const count = params.count || 5;
   const offset = (page - 1) * count;
   const queryStr = `SELECT * FROM users OFFSET ${offset} FETCH NEXT ${count} ROWS ONLY`;
   const cacheKey = `users?page=${page}&count=${count}`;

   redisClient.get(cacheKey, (error, users) => {
      if (error) callback(error);
      if (users != null) {
         console.log('sending data from cache')  
         callback(null, JSON.parse(users));
      } else {
         postgresClient.query(queryStr, (err, res) => { 
            console.log('querying db and setting cache')
            if (err) callback(err);
            redisClient.setex(cacheKey, DEFAULT_EXPIRATION, JSON.stringify(res.rows))
            callback(null, res.rows);

When I run the server and make a request to the endpoint that uses this model, the console.log('getAllUsers'); runs but console.log('redisClient.get'); doesn’t.

It seems like the redis client get callback never executes and I wonder why.

Any help or advice is welcome. Thanks in advance.



  1. It looks to me as if you’re reinventing the world. If what you want is just a cache, have you considered using a package for that? I’ve had good luck with this one:

    If that doesn’t work for you, it looks like the latest version of the redis npm recommends using promises, like so:

    const value = await redisClient.get(`key`);
    if (!value) {
      // query postgres and set the value.  

    If you just can’t use await, then I’d suggest using then. So, instead of using redisClient.get(key, callback) you could use


    That being said, I strongly recommend looking at cacheman-redis and also becoming familiar with async/await functions and promises. Each will simplify your code greatly.

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  2. redisClient.connect(); does not really wait before connection succeeds. If you are running the commands before it has a successful connection it wouldn’t work. You need to wait before it’s connected and then it’s safe to run Redis commands.

    You can remove redisClient.connect(); from your redis.js file and use it in index.js where you connect it.

    const redisClient = require('../db/redis');
    (async () => {
      await redisClient.connect();
      // Redis is connected and do your stuff below


    Also, I’d recommend you to connect Redis at first and when successful then start the server.

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