I am writing integration tests for AWS lambda function that is invoked with KinesisEvent and then writes some data to Redis and Kafka.
I am using LocalStack and Testcontainers to achieve the same.
I have tested the code with docker-compose.yml, and it works fine. But something goes wrong in Java tests.
Here are my container settings –
public static final LocalStackContainer localstack =
new LocalStackContainer(localstackImage)
.withEnv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION", US_EAST_1.getName())
.withServices(Service.KINESIS, Service.LAMBDA);
public static final KafkaContainer kafkaContainer =
new KafkaContainer(kafkaImage).withNetwork(lambdaNetwork).withExposedPorts(9093);
redisContainer = new GenericContainer<>(redisImage).withNetwork(lambdaNetwork).withExposedPorts(6379);
String redisHost = redisContainer.getHost();
Integer redisPort = redisContainer.getFirstMappedPort();
When I put record on kinesis, lambda is invoked successfully, however I get following exception –
2023-08-24T18:41:03.309 WARN --- [ asgi_gw_1] l.s.a.i.executor_endpoint : Execution environment startup failed: {"errorMessage":"Failed to connect to any host resolved for DNS name.","errorType":"redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException"}
I am also setting up network for containers. Can someone point out what could I be missing?
Thanks to Eddu! His piece along with port mappings helped.
Having the following definition will allow to have the three containers use the same network
the key part is
.withEnv("LAMBDA_DOCKER_NETWORK", ((Network.NetworkImpl)network).getName())
Take into account to use the following information to connect from the lambda to postgres (in this example)
Network alias
was declared inPostgresContainer
, so it should be used by the lambda in order to connect through the docker network.