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I am using node-redis. I have a cron job that updates my db and I have redis cache that caches the db response.

The problem I’m having is that my cron job runs everyday at 12am, however I can only set redis cache to expire in x seconds from now. Is there a way to make node-redis cache expire everyday at 12am exactly. Thanks.


const saveResult = await SET_CACHE_ASYNC('cacheData', response, 'EX', 15);



  1. yes, you can use command, if you use package as redis driver, code will be like this

    const redis = require('redis')
    const client = redis.createClient();
    const when = (*60*60*1000) / 1000;
    client.expireat('cacheData', when, function(error){....};
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  2. Recently I had the same problem with an application. My work around was creating a new timespan based on the time difference between my set and expiration time. Here is my code:

    private TimeSpan GetTimeSpanUntilNextDay(int hour)
            => new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(1).Ticks).AddHours(hour) - DateTime.Now;

    Using the stack exchange lib for a 6 AM absolute expirition time the code looks like so:

    public async Task<bool> SetEntranceAsync(string key, MYTYPE unserializedObject)
        var db = _multiplexer.GetDatabase();
        var jsonValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(unserializedObject);
        return await db.StringSetAsync(key, jsonValue, GetTimeSpanUntilNextDay(6));

    I used C# but you should be able to do the trick in any language.

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