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const redis = require("redis");

let client = redis.createClient({
    port: process.env.port,

(async () => {
    client.on('error', (err) => console.log('Redis Client Error', err));
    await client.connect();
    console.log("connected to redis")

I have added redis-heroku addon to my project, Now I am trying to access it from my code but its giving me this error: "AuthError: ERR Client sent AUTH, but no password is set".

Also when I am trying to connect from terminal, I am able to connect to it but when I type any redis command , I get this "Error: Connection reset by peer".

If I am using this on my localsystem and local redis server its working fine

it will be helpful if anyone can provide me a working code of heroku redis, I think redis has two urls: REDIS_URL, REDIS_TLS_URL. The problem might be arising because of this tls(more secure)

Kinldy help me



  1. Heroku redis does not expose a host, port, and password variables. Instead they expose a REDIS_URL that contains all of those things in one string.

    I believe you need to call createClient like this…

      url: process.env.REDIS_URL
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  2. In node-redis v4 the host and port should be inside a socket object, not directly on the main config object (see

    const client = redis.createClient({
        socket: {
            port: process.env.port
        password: process.env.password
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