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I am analysing a redis instance on GCP(memorystore).The inbuits metrics given are not very helpful. Can someone guide on how to generate following metrics data?

Q1) How to visualize the data. What is the size of key and value stored in redis?

Q2) What is the max amount of read and write(Bytes/second) that has happened on this instance? Need this info to move data from redis to some other third party cache.



  1. I am not sure what is GCP, but I believe you can connect to the redis server/instance and send command to it

    Q1) How to visualize the data. What is the size of key and value stored in redis?

    I believe the return of redis command "info" will provide the information

     'db0': {'avg_ttl': 210212973, 'expires': 2085105, 'keys': 91596761},
     'used_memory': 26148305568,
     'used_memory_human': '24.35G',

    Q2) What is the max amount of read and write(Bytes/second) that has happened on this instance? Need this info to move data from redis to some other third party cache.

    again, info command

     'total_commands_processed': 304162093545,
     'total_connections_received': 41080975,
     'total_net_input_bytes': 19646063598276,
     'total_net_output_bytes': 14474989999062,

    I believe you can call the info command like every 1 second for 10 seconds and manually calculate the avg read/write(Bytes/second).

    And run the script every minute. And you get the daily trend

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    • The In-built Redis Monitoring metrics exposed by Google Cloud are all listed here and you should be able to use a few of them for your purpose.
    • Keep in mind that the above is a time-series based database and hence if you are looking at a different aggregation, you can adjust the aggregate formula that you want in the Metrics Explorer.
    • If you are looking at purely benchmarking stuff, you can possibly look at the Redis Benchmarking tool
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