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I am currently building a base image for my project. The project is using mongodb. I’ve successfully created the image but an error shows up when I try to call the endpoint which is related with SSL on libmongoc:

The SCRAM_SHA_256 authentication mechanism requires libmongoc built with ENABLE_SSL

Below are the some notable stuffs about my docker image:

  • alpine 3.8
  • php 7.2
  • nginx
  • lumen-framework 5.6.*

Below are the current implementation which has the problem, your suggestions are appreciated:

FROM alpine:3.8

RUN apk update && apk upgrade
RUN apk --no-cache add composer curl gcc git make musl-dev nginx 
    openssl openssl-dev php7 php7-ctype php7-curl php7-dev 
    php7-dom php7-fileinfo php7-fpm php7-gd php7-iconv 
    php7-imagick php7-intl php7-json php7-mbstring php7-mysqli 
    php7-opcache php7-openssl php7-pdo php7-pdo_mysql php7-pear 
    php7-redis php7-simplexml php7-tokenizer php7-xdebug 
    php7-xmlreader php7-xmlwriter php7-zip php7-zlib supervisor tzdata
RUN pecl install mongodb 
    && pecl config-set php_ini /etc/php7/php.ini 
    && echo "" > /etc/php7/conf.d/20_mongodb.ini

Aside from above Dockerfile, I also tried to manually build the mongo-php-driver based on this article , but it doesn’t help. Both options still show me that SSL is disabled when I check with php -i | grep mongo. Do tell me if I need to include another information.



  1. The original post was over a year ago. But I also was trumped by this error:
    The SCRAM_SHA_256 authentication mechanism requires libmongoc built with ENABLE_SSL.

    The solutions below assume that you have a docker-compose configuration for mongodb.

    My solution was to first stop and remove the container that is implementing mongoDB … call that container workspace:


    • latest alpine
    • nginx
    • php7.3,
    • Laravel 8.x

    Dockerfile work for creation of mongodb extension

    RUN apk add redis gnupg openrc openssl libbsd==0.9.1-r1 && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
    RUN apk update && apk upgrade &&
        apk add --no-cache php7-pear php7-dev php7-openssl gcc musl-dev make &&
        apk add curl-dev openssl openssl-dev &&
        pecl channel-update &&
        pecl install mongodb &&
        pecl config-set php_ini /etc/php7/php.ini
    RUN echo "" >> /etc/php7/php.ini &&
        php --ri mongodb

    Build the container

    docker-compose stop workspace && docker-compose rm -f workspace && docker-compose build --no-cache workspace

    Bashing into the container: docker-compose exec workspace bash

    verify that MongoDB is in fact existing as a php module:

    bash-5.0# php -m | grep mongodb

    Verify SSL Enabled on libmongoc

    enter command: php --ri mongodb

    Response is:

    bash-5.0# php --ri mongodb
    mongodb <<<<<< Response means mongo is enabled.  See more below.
    MongoDB support => enabled
    MongoDB extension version => 1.12.0
    MongoDB extension stability => stable
    libbson bundled version => 1.20.0
    libmongoc bundled version => 1.20.0
    libmongoc SSL => enabled <<<< SSL Enabled fixes the problem.
    libmongoc SSL library => OpenSSL
    libmongoc crypto => enabled
    libmongoc crypto library => libcrypto
    libmongoc crypto system profile => disabled
    libmongoc SASL => disabled
    libmongoc ICU => disabled
    libmongoc compression => enabled
    libmongoc compression snappy => disabled
    libmongoc compression zlib => enabled
    libmongoc compression zstd => disabled
    libmongocrypt bundled version => 1.3.0
    libmongocrypt crypto => enabled
    libmongocrypt crypto library => libcrypto
    Directive => Local Value => Master Value
    mongodb.debug => no value => no value
    mongodb.mock_service_id => Off => Off
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  2. Run the commands in the following order-

    tar xzf mongo-c-driver-1.18.0.tar.gz
    cd mongo-c-driver-1.18.0
    mkdir cmake-build
    cd cmake-build
    cmake ..

    Then make sure all the downloaded modules were placed in the extension directory which is detailed in the php.ini’s phpinfo()

    Then add extension=“” and #extension=“” to php.ini.

    Then finally remember to restart the machine or docker container in your instance.

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