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I am trying to cache my results using redis in Laravel by doing this

$result =   Cache::remember('orders_cache', 10, function () use ($orders) {
           return $orders;
        return $result;

When I go in my Redis-Cli and do KEYS *, I don’t see orders_cache key there. I have set the cache_driver to redis in my .env and I also ran the command php artisan config:cache. I have also installed predis package using composer as well.

My Dev environment is:

  • PHP7.4
  • Ubuntu 20
  • Laravel 6.0
  • Redis 5.0.7

Any help on this would be appreciated.



  1. run redis-cli monitorand check the database number and written key.

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  2. In recent versions of Laravel (8.^), it prepends the laravel_database with Redis keys.

    E.g: laravel_database_{$YOUR_KEY}.

    In order to see what keys are available RUN: KEYS *

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  3. Redis instance supports 16 logical databases and numbered from 0 to 15, by default by runnig redis-cli you connect to database 0. you can take advantage of the Redis INFO command to show databases that contain keys and also another more info like:


    That in may case, I have 2 database. now you can change the database you’re using with the select command after you connect. for example:

    select 1

    and it will return OK if the switch is successful. now you can see your laravel keys.

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  4. I ran into a similar issue in where my key saved via Laravel was being returned, when queried via Laravel, using Redis::keys('*'), however a key saved via Python was not. I’m still not sure why (and separate databases as noted here was not the cause).

    Interestingly, I was able to see the key, saved via Python, using Redis::scan('*') (docs). Even though scan returned the key, I am still not able to get it via Redis::get('key_name'). I need to do further research as to why this is the case, but this may be useful in finding your missing key.

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