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Registry container is running at port 5000.

# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                     COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                       NAMES
accbeafa34fe   ibmcom/registry:   "registry serve /etc…"   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes>5000/tcp, :::5000->5000/tcp   local-registry
sudo -E docker push localhost:5000/pgp-bench:latest
The push refers to repository [localhost:5000/pgp-bench]
ca9a5caaa0d5: Pushed 
dd9235795971: Pushed 
4dfdebe31f24: Pushed 
98a59ff53764: Retrying in 1 second

-->on retrying
# docker push localhost:5000/pgp-bench:latest
The push refers to repository [localhost:5000/pgp-bench]
Get http://localhost:5000/v2/: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

On curl, it keeps waiting

# curl http://localhost:5000

Logs of the registry container

time="2021-10-08T06:25:19.963905582Z" level=info msg="endpoint local-5003 disabled, skipping" environment=development go.version=go1.11.9 ins service=registry version=e38b0207                                                              
time="2021-10-08T06:25:19.963921607Z" level=info msg="endpoint local-8083 disabled, skipping" environment=development go.version=go1.11.9 ins service=registry version=e38b0207                                                              
time="2021-10-08T06:25:19.964454493Z" level=info msg="using redis blob descriptor cache" environment=development go.version=go1.11.9 instance
.id=88f73ea0-77d6-425f-8259-0b3717c76b7a service=registry version=e38b0207                                                                   
time="2021-10-08T06:25:19.964744256Z" level=info msg="listening on [::]:5000" environment=development go.version=go1.11.9
0-77d6-425f-8259-0b3717c76b7a service=registry version=e38b0207  
time="2021-10-08T06:25:59.965390038Z" level=debug msg="filesystem.Stat("/")" 
environment=development go.version=go1.11.9
a0-77d6-425f-8259-0b3717c76b7a service=registry trace.duration=35.698µs trace.file="/go/src/
river/base/base.go" trace.func="*Base).Stat"
ba6845ca83 trace.line=137 version=e38b0207

I have tried all the possible options mentioned in similar issues such as

  1. net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

but nothing seems to help resolve the issue. Any suggestions on how to approach a solution?



  1. I had this same issue.

    I changed the tag name to be instead of localhost and it completed as expected when pushing.

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  2. In my case, local registry was connected to the kind cluster.
    docker push worked after I disconnected registry from the network:
    docker network disconnect "kind" "kind-registry"

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