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When i run docker save nifi > nifi_backup.tar i get

Error response from daemon: No such image: nifi

When i run docker ps -a i got

$docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                      PORTS                                       NAMES
a8796cbf6cb1   apache/nifi:1.9.2   "../scripts/"    11 months ago   Exited (0) 33 minutes ago                                               nifi
f4ecf6ca0d16   apache/nifi         "../scripts/"    12 months ago   Exited (0) 12 months ago                                                nervous_poincare
9a68c235bb3a   apache/nifi         "../scripts/"    12 months ago   Exited (0) 12 months ago                                                jolly_mendel
d608287fe560   superset_superset   "/"         2 years ago     Up 27 hours (healthy)>8088/tcp, :::8088->8088/tcp   superset_superset_1
fcea620b1983   postgres:10         "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 years ago     Up 27 hours       >5432/tcp, :::5433->5432/tcp   superset_postgres_1
380782e0a024   redis:3.2           "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 years ago     Up 27 hours       >6379/tcp, :::6379->6379/tcp   superset_redis_1

Also, i cant start nifi image

if i run docker start nifi

it try to start about a minute, but then stop silently.

And there is no logs in result.

docker events says exit code = 0:

enter image description here

Maybe it has some relation for unavailable saving, so i inform about it too.

How to fix No such image in such a case?



  1. As per documentation here, docker save command expects an image name, not a container. You’re probably looking for docker export (export docs) command to achieve what you want.

    The error about starting your container could be container-specific. As it exited already a year ago, maybe data is lost and the container cannot be started again. Using command docker events&, you can start the docker event listener in the background. This way you can obtain the hex value of this very start attempt and use it to search specific logs: docker logs <startId hex>. Maybe it can tell you more details about why the container did not properly start.

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  2. Use the command docker images to see if there is an image named nifi. If not first build that image and than execute the command:

    docker save nifi > nifi_backup.tar

    It should not show the error No such image: nifi if the command docker images has an image named nifi.

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