Section 1
I am trying to execute "exec" on one of the containers in a stack or service. I have followed the answers provided here execute a command within docker swarm service as well as on the official Docker documentation here but it seems "docker container list" and its variants ("docker ps") seem not to find any container listed in the "docker service list".
See the example below from which is meant to use of "exec" on a container of a service.
printf "This is a secret" | docker secret create my_secret_data -
docker service create --name redis --secret my_secret_data redis:alpine
docker service ps redis
yields ID NAME IMAGE NODE DESIRED STATE CURRENT STATE ERROR PORTS 75olesuh9n4h redis.1 redis:alpine virt-05 Running Running 16 minutes ago
- The two commands below return zero records for "redis"
docker ps --filter name=redis -q
docker container list
The two commands below return no records for "redis" hence the commands below are bound not to work.
docker container exec $(docker ps --filter name=redis -q) ls -l /run/secrets
docker container exec $(docker ps --filter name=redis -q) cat /run/secrets/my_secret_data
What could be different in my environment to make it not possible to reproduce the results in the example above (
My environment is as follows
$ uname -r
$ docker version
Client: Docker Engine - Community
Version: 20.10.8
API version: 1.41
Go version: go1.16.6
Git commit: 3967b7d
Built: Fri Jul 30 19:53:39 2021
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Context: default
Experimental: true
Server: Docker Engine - Community
Version: 20.10.8
API version: 1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.16.6
Git commit: 75249d8
Built: Fri Jul 30 19:52:00 2021
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false
Version: 1.4.9
GitCommit: e25210fe30a0a703442421b0f60afac609f950a3
Version: 1.0.1
GitCommit: v1.0.1-0-g4144b63
Version: 0.19.0
GitCommit: de40ad0
Section 2
I have just initialized a docker swam on another node and I am able to successfully reproduce the behaviour the example
In this second environment docker ps is able to find (list) the redis container started as service.
The command below returns a record.
docker ps --filter name=redis -q
I was able to successfully run "exec" on this container by running the commands below
docker container exec $(docker ps --filter name=redis -q) ls -l /run/secrets
docker container exec $(docker ps --filter name=redis -q) cat /run/secrets/my_secret_data
The docker version of if this second environment is given below
$ uname -r
docker version
Client: Docker Engine - Community
Version: 20.10.8
API version: 1.41
Go version: go1.16.6
Git commit: 3967b7d
Built: Fri Jul 30 19:55:49 2021
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Context: default
Experimental: true
Server: Docker Engine - Community
Version: 20.10.8
API version: 1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.16.6
Git commit: 75249d8
Built: Fri Jul 30 19:54:13 2021
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false
Version: 1.4.9
GitCommit: e25210fe30a0a703442421b0f60afac609f950a3
Version: 1.0.1
GitCommit: v1.0.1-0-g4144b63
Version: 0.19.0
GitCommit: de40ad0
Solved (credit Chris Becke)
I needed to try accessing the container of the service from node the container is running.
I credit Chris Becke for this information.
The swarm setup in Section 1 was a multi-node setup while the swarm setup in Section 2 is a single node (manager/worker) setup. The container in section 1 was dispatched to a worker node other than the one I was trying to give exec commands to.
I was able to successfully run the "exec" command on the service container once I logged into the worker node.
To use docker to access containers in multi node swarm, to avoid having to log into each vm / docker host individually you are going to want to ensure your docker swarm nodes are setup for remote access.
The docker daemon has parameters to expose a public socket :2375 for insecure, or :2376 for mtls protected comms. mtls is recommended for anything but the most sandboxed lab environments.
Alternatively, passwordless ssh access (where you register your local .ssh_id on each of the servers) allows you to use ssh urls to access docker remotely and is the recommended option.
Once you have enabled either ssh or tcp access to docker then you can pass the remote node url to docker, set it in an env variable, or use it via a docker context:
Once you have multi docker access, ensure that docker is pointing at a manager node and get the relevant details of the service:
In this case, we need to know the node that service tasks are running on, and the container name of the tasks, which is a combination of the name and id.
Now that you have the remote node, assuming you have created contexts for each node, then a command like this (where $containername is the ‘{{.Name}}.{{.ID}}’ string.