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“The returned value of an API call will no longer be the body, statusCode, and headers for callbacks, and only the body for promises. The new returned value will be a unique object containing the body, statusCode, headers, warnings, and meta, for both callback and promises.”

This is a problem if I stringify and store the result in redis (now I will need to JSON parse when I get the value back from redis). Is there anyway I can switch on “body only” mode on promises?



  1. Unforntunately, no.
    There is no way to only receive only the body.
    As you mentioned this would be the response,

      body: object | boolean
      statusCode: number
      headers: object
      warnings: [string]
      meta: object

    Best you can do it before you store the response in Redis you can store it like this,

    const {body} = await{
      index: 'my-index',
      body: { foo: 'bar' }
    // Now you can store the body in Redis

    Or when you fetch the response object from Redis you can do this,

    const {body}=JSON.parse(fetchFromRedis(id));
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  2. As a workaround you could overwrite/proxy the search() method of your Client-instance. So you could define your proxy with something like:

    function initializeSearchProxy(client) {
        const origSearch =; = async function () {
            const {body} = await origSearch.apply(this, arguments);
            return body;

    Then initialize your search-proxy after requiring and instantiating the elasticsearch-Client,

    const {Client} = require('@elastic/elasticsearch');
    const client = new Client({node: 'http://localhost:9200'});
    // all calls now return the body directly
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