I need to test saving the confirmation code to the Redis cache.
For example, there is a view that processes a user registration request. The view accepts a phone number and sends an SMS with a code to it. The code is generated by an additional function. Here’s how to mocking this function to send the code I need?
This is my view
def post(self, request):
serializer = ReviewerSignUpSerializer(data=request.data)
phone = serializer.validated_data.get("phone")
confirmation_code = get_confirmation_code()
send_sms_task.apply_async([confirmation_code, str(phone)])
This is a function that generates a confirmation code
def get_confirmation_code() -> str:
seq = list(map(lambda x: str(x), range(10)))
code = choices(seq, k=settings.INVITE_CODE_LENGTH)
return "".join(code)
Test function
def test_saving_confirmation_code_in_cache(self, client, cache):
phone = "+79389999999"
generated_code = "9999"
with patch("api.v1.authentication.utils.get_confirmation_code", return_value=generated_code):
client.post(reverse('api:v1:signup'), data={'phone': phone})
confirmation_code = cache.get(str(phone))
assert confirmation_code is not None
assert confirmation_code == generated_code
Perhaps, I need to test the entire view function?
Thank you all! My mistake is that I did not specify that the get_confirmation_code function is imported from another module.
To solve my problem, I had to move this feature to my APIView. After that, everything worked
You have to patch the function in your views.py
I assume the APIView class in your codebase is inside