I have a command lando info
which has a fairly large multi-line output:
[ { service: 'appserver',
[ 'https://localhost:52836',
'https://if-build-d9.lndo.site/' ],
type: 'php',
healthy: true,
via: 'apache',
webroot: './web',
config: { php: '/Users/runo/.lando/config/drupal9/php.ini' },
version: '7.3',
meUser: 'www-data',
hasCerts: true,
hostnames: [ 'appserver.ifbuildd9.internal' ] },
{ service: 'database',
urls: [],
type: 'mysql',
healthy: true,
internal_connection: { host: 'database', port: '3306' },
external_connection: { host: '', port: '52835' },
healthcheck: 'bash -c "[ -f /bitnami/mysql/.mysql_initialized ]"',
creds: { database: 'drupal9', password: 'drupal9', user: 'drupal9' },
config: { database: '/Users/runo/.lando/config/drupal9/mysql.cnf' },
version: '5.7',
meUser: 'www-data',
hasCerts: false,
hostnames: [ 'database.ifbuildd9.internal' ] },
{ service: 'redis_primary',
urls: [ 'http://if-build-d9-redis-primary.lndo.site/' ],
type: 'redis',
healthy: true,
internal_connection: { host: 'redis_primary', port: '6379' },
external_connection: { host: '', port: '52838' },
config: {},
version: '6',
meUser: 'www-data',
hasCerts: false,
hostnames: [ 'redis_primary.ifbuildd9.internal' ] },
{ service: 'mailhog',
urls: [ 'http://localhost:52840', 'http://if-build-d9-mail.lndo.site/' ],
type: 'mailhog',
healthy: true,
hogfrom: [ 'appserver' ],
internal_connection: { host: 'mailhog', port: '1025' },
external_connection: { host: '', port: '52839' },
config: {},
version: 'v1.0.0',
meUser: 'mailhog',
hasCerts: false,
hostnames: [ 'mailhog.ifbuildd9.internal' ] } ]
I want to capture the value http://if-build-d9.lndo.site
in a bash variable.
What I have is this shell script, but it returns empty values:
lando_info=$(lando info);
[[ "$lando_info" =~ $regex_pattern ]];
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[0]}"
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
This outputs empty strings.
I know the regex itself should be valid as I tested it on https://www.regexpal.com/ with that command output and pattern.
It matches on
(this is the only match I care about)http://if-build-d9-redis-primary.lndo.site
So it appears that my use of regex in Bash is not correct.
I ended up using jq with better results.
Bash uses POSIX ERE regex flavor,
matches a,
and not any char but whitespace as you expected.It looks like you just want to
grep -o
ut the URLs with a specific pattern, so useSee the online demo. Output:
is a negated bracket expression that contains a POSIX character class and matches any zero or more chars other than whitespace chars.-o
option allowsgrep
to extract matches only, not matched lines.