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I have created an EKS cluster with ALB setup. I tried installing superset by following the steps provided in


  enabled: true
  ingressClassName: ~
  annotations: alb internet-facing instance
    # "true"
    ## Extend timeout to allow long running queries.
    # "300"
    # "300"
    # "300"
  path: /
  pathType: ImplementationSpecific
    - chart-example.local
  tls: []
  extraHostsRaw: []
  #  - secretName: chart-example-tls
  #    hosts:
  #      - chart-example.local

When I am running helm upgrade --install --values my-values.yaml superset superset/superset --timeout 10m30s, it takes a lot of time and returns

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: post-upgrade hooks failed: 1 error occurred:
    * timed out waiting for the condition

and when I run

[ec2-user@ip-1**-**-**-*** ~]$ kubectl get pods
NAME                               READY   STATUS       RESTARTS        AGE
superset-7866fcc8b4-tcpk4          0/1     Init:0/1     8 (6m53s ago)   33m
superset-init-db-6q9dp             0/1     Init:Error   0               5m24s
superset-init-db-7hqz4             0/1     Init:Error   0               7m48s
superset-init-db-jt87x             0/1     Init:Error   0               12m
superset-init-db-rt85r             0/1     Init:Error   0               10m
superset-init-db-zptz6             0/1     Init:Error   0               2m40s
superset-postgresql-0              0/1     Pending      0               33m
superset-redis-master-0            1/1     Running      0               33m
superset-worker-748db75bf7-9kzfp   0/1     Init:0/1     8 (6m56s ago)   33m

I am new to kubernetes and this is new to me. Please help!



  1. You got to inspect the logs of these pods; to see why it is failing; But initially, seems

    • Postgres bitnami chart has to be installed as part of superset installation process.
    • For some reason, postgres pod is pending (most probably because it cannot create a persistent volume; might be something else). You can know by running kubectl describe pod superset-postgresql-0 and kubectl logs superset-init-db-6q9dp -c init
    • Superset pods cannot start until the postgres is up, which make sense to have it in the init container of your pod not to start your app unless DB is ready. You can inspect that by running logs on one of the logs kubectl logs superset-7866fcc8b4-tcpk4 -c init.

    That is my guess; You can know for sure by following the above kubectl commands I provided.

    Long story short, superset installation to work needs to have postgres started as per of init checks before it actually starts; postgres is not, that’s why superset is failing. Why postgres is not starting ? Check the logs.

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  2. If you’re running PostgreSQL, and you’re using EKS 1.23 or higher, you’ll need to install a CSI driver, e.g. the EBS CSI driver. Starting with 1.23, EKS no longer ships with a storage driver (the in-tree driver was deprecated). After installing the CSI driver, create a default storage class. Your pods should start shortly thereafter. If you’re new to Kubernetes, I’d recommend installing the CSI driver through EKS addons.

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