On my application, users have lists of emails they can send to. Their accounts have settings for the time of day they want emails automatically sent and the timezone they’re in.
I would like to test certain scenarios on when my queues are triggered since each user’s send time may differ drastically.
I’d like to globally set a fake time with carbon.
In public/index.php
, I tried to set:
$time = Carbon::create('2020-09-16 00:00:00');
but pieces of my application are not affected.
Is there a global way to set a fake time?
Original question below:
On my application, users have lists of emails they can send to. Their accounts have settings for the time of day they want emails automatically sent and the timezone they’re in.
I have a command that will trigger an event that sends email.
Inside the listener, the handle
method looks like:
public function handle(ReviewRequested $event)
$time = Carbon::create(2020, 9, 15, 0);
$reviewRequest = $event->reviewRequest;
Log::info('email sending at ' . $reviewRequest->sent_at . ' and current time is ' . Carbon::now());
->later($reviewRequest->sent_at, new ReviewRequestMailer($reviewRequest));
Note that I’m faking the time with Carbon and setting it to midnight. In this example, The emails should be sent at 9am. The logged info is as follows:
local.INFO: email sending at 2020-09-15 09:00:00 and current time is 2020-09-15 00:00:00
So the current time is 12AM and I’m queuing these up to get sent at 9AM.
As soon as I run php artisan queue:work
, the pending jobs (emails) are immediately run and sent. Why is this happening? They should remain queued until 9AM.
Perhaps queuing is using system time and doesn’t care about what I set in Carbon? How can I resolve this?
Edit: I forgot to mention that I’m using Redis
Check what queue driver you’re using in your
does not allow for any delaying (sync stands for synchronous).The quickest way to fix this would be doing the following:
php artisan config:clear
php artisan queue:table
php artisan migrate
After following these steps, you can now have delayed execution in your queues when you run it with
php artisan queue:work
I think you should use Laravel Cron Job for this purpose. you should make a file in App/Console/Commands/YourCronJobFile.php
Then go to directory App/Console/Kernel.php