Lua script converts empty array as an object. How to avoid conversion.
local json_str = '{"items":[],"properties":{}}'
return cjson.encode(cjson.decode(json_str))
redis-cli --eval test.lua
items are an array [] but the output is an object {}
The main difference between JSON object definition and lua table, that lua table has no type array.
Empty JSON array [] or object {} is converted to lua table {}, but empty lua table {} can be converted to array [] or object {}.
To my knowledge, cjson for redis has no solution for this problem at the moment, possible solution is mentioned in Redis Lua Differetiating empty array and object. (I can’t argue if it works)
According to this great post you can set the following option to cjson:
cjson.encode({dogs = {}})
resolves to{"dogs": []}