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I’m using Redis to cache different parts of my app. My goal is to not make a database query when the user is not logged in, as the app’s content don’t get updated regularly.

I cache the archive queries in my controller, however when I type hint a model in the controller, the model is retrieved from the database and then passed to the controller:

// My route
Route::get('page/{page:id}', [ PageController::class, 'show' ] );

// My controller
public function show ( Page $page ) {
    // Here, the $page will be the actual page model. 
    // It's already been queried from the database.

What I’m trying to do is to try and resolve the page from the cache first, and then if the cache does not contain this item, query the database. If I drop the Page type-hint, I get the desired result ( only the id is passed to controller ) but then I will lose the benefit of IoC, automatic ModelNotFoundException, and more.

I’ve come across ideas such as binding the page model to a callback and then parsing the request(), but seems like a bad idea.

Is there any way to properly achieve this? I noticed that Laravel eloquent does not have a fetching event, which would be perfect for this purpose.



  1. You can override the default model binding logic:


    public function resolveRouteBinding($value, $field = null)
        return Cache::get(...) ?? $this->findOrFail($value);

    Read more here

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  2. In order to check for existence of the data in Redis, you shouldn’t type-hint the model into the controller’s action. Do it like this:

    public function show($pageId) {
        if(/* check if cached */) {
            // Read page from cache
        } else {
            Page::where('id', $pageId)->first();
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