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I am using redis in the following way:

from redis import Redis

redis_client = Redis()

def get_datetime_from_redis(key):

    start_time = redis_client.get(key)
    start_time = datetime.strptime(datetime_as_string, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
    duration = ( - start_time).total_seconds()
    return duration

I’d like to test the function in the following way:

import pytest
from core.utils import get_datetime_from_redis
from unittest.mock import Mock
from datetime import datetime

def test_get_datetime_from_redis(monkeypatch):
    mock_redis = Mock()
    mock_redis.get.return_value = datetime(2022, 1, 26)
    monkeypatch.setattr('core.utils.Redis', mock_redis)


But the issue is that by the time that monkeypatch.setattr('core.utils.Redis', mock_redis) is run, redis_client is already instantiated, so I’m not mocking the correct version.

How do I address these kinds of tests?



  1. Not sure it will solve entirely the problem but you should design your tests to have a fixture in charge of managing the creation of the mocked redis (mock_redis). By encapsulating this code in a fixture you will be able to manage when the fixture is created (once per session, per module, per function) and to gather all this code at a single location.
    Here is a good example on how to do that.

    Second point is on the way you instantiate redis_client client in your code. Since it’s not done in a method or in a class, redis_client is created as soon as the module is imported. You should also consider deferring the instantiation by putting it in a method or class you can call when needed.

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  2. The fact that it is a global variable should not be an issue : monckeypatch can be apply on every scope and even existing instances.

    The issue here is the way you are using the monckeypatch fixture.

    Since the function is consuming redis_clent variable from the core.utils module, the monckeypatch fixture should mock it, instead of the Redis class itself.

    So :

    import pytest
    from core.utils import redis_client
    from core.utils import get_datetime_from_redis
    from datetime import datetime
    def test_get_datetime_from_redis(monkeypatch):
        redis_get_called = []
        # define mock function
        def mock_redis_get(self, k, default=None) :
            get_called.append(1) # Add to call count
            return datetime(2022, 1, 26)
        # patch redis_client variable
        monkeypatch.setattr(redis_client, 'get', mock_redis_get)
        # act  
        # assert
        assert len(redis_get_called) == 1

    Now just pay attention to the signature of the Redisget method :

    In monckeypatch , it is a good idea to have the same signature than the mocked function… this is why the mock function here has also a self, k (and not key), and a default parameters (I think that this last one can be ignored since it is an optional parameter)

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