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I am currently working on rewriting an old tool that uses ansible to create a virtual environment in which it hosts a python based app. The failing playbook is as follows:

- name: Ensure bash, OpenSSL, and libssl are the latest versions
  become: true
  apt: name={{ item }} update_cache=yes state=latest
    - bash
    - openssl
    - libssl-dev
    - libssl-doc
  tags: packages

- name: install minimum packages
  apt: name={{ item }} update_cache=yes state=installed
    - libav-tools
    - build-essential
    - python-pip
    - python-numpy
    - python-scipy
    - python-software-properties
    - python-dev
    - python-setuptools
    - python-libxml2
    - python-libxslt1
    - python3.4-dev
    - libatlas-base-dev
    - gcc
    - gfortran
    - g++
    - binutils
    - libproj-dev
    - gdal-bin
    - python-gdal
    - python-lxml
    - python3-lxml
    - libblas-dev
    - pkg-config
    - gfortran
    - python-dev
    - libxml2-dev
    - libjpeg8-dev
    - libjpeg-dev
    - libpq-dev
    - libpng12-0
    - libpng-dev    
    - libpng12-dev
    - libfreetype6
    - libfreetype6-dev
    - supervisor
    - nginx
    - git
    - ntp
    - htop
    - libcurl4-openssl-dev
    - libgdal-dev
    - libtool
    - libxml2
    - libxslt1.1
    - libxslt1-dev
    - redis-server
    - freetype*
    - php5-gd
    - python-memcache

- name: upgrade packages
  apt: upgrade=safe

- name: Install virtualenv
  pip: name=virtualenv
  tags: packages

- name: Create the virtualenv
  command: virtualenv /home/mrv/www/v_env --no-site-packages

It fails when it tries to "Create the virtualenv" as it is unable to install the zipp module. The error line is as follows (truncated):

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/importlib_metadata/", line 9, in <module>", "    import zipp", "ImportError: No module named zipp"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

I learnt that zipp now requires python 3.6 and upwards while this virtualenv seems to be using python 2.7
Is there any way around this? Or can I mention what version of python I want to use in the playbook itself? I barely know Ansible thus asking for help.

EDIT: I came across this post that mentions specifying the python version – Ansible creating a virtualenv

Following this, I tried:

- name: Create the virtualenv
    cmd: virtualenv /home/mrv/www/v_env --no-site-packages -p python3.6
    creates: "/home/mrv/www/v_env/bin/activate"

But this did not work either.



  1. There is a variable in ansible to set the python interpreter(indirectly version) in the host:


    ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python3.6"

    You can set it through group_vars or inventory or extra-vars. Set the value to the desired python version. So For example, In my virtual environments, I have python defaulted at /home/ps/.pyenv/shims/python, so if I do not set ansible_python_interpreter ansible will use this path,but if you set it to something else, ansible would honor it.

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  2. I have a recommendation for your tasks with apt module, when this module is used with a loop (with_items) ansible runs individually it’s much efficient use a list directly in the name option.

    Try as below

    - name: Ensure bash, OpenSSL, and libssl are the latest versions
      become: true
        update_cache: yes 
        state: latest  
          - bash
          - openssl
          - libssl-dev
          - libssl-doc
      tags: packages
    - name: install minimum packages
        update_cache: yes 
        state: present
          - libav-tools
          - build-essential
          - python-pip
          - python-numpy
          - python-scipy
          - python-software-properties
          - python-dev
          - python-setuptools
          - python-libxml2
          - python-libxslt1
          - python3.4-dev
          - libatlas-base-dev
          - gcc
          - gfortran
          - g++
          - binutils
          - libproj-dev
          - gdal-bin
          - python-gdal
          - python-lxml
          - python3-lxml
          - libblas-dev
          - pkg-config
          - gfortran
          - python-dev
          - libxml2-dev
          - libjpeg8-dev
          - libjpeg-dev
          - libpq-dev
          - libpng12-0
          - libpng-dev    
          - libpng12-dev
          - libfreetype6
          - libfreetype6-dev
          - supervisor
          - nginx
          - git
          - ntp
          - htop
          - libcurl4-openssl-dev
          - libgdal-dev
          - libtool
          - libxml2
          - libxslt1.1
          - libxslt1-dev
          - redis-server
          - freetype*
          - php5-gd
          - python-memcache
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