I am trying to setup SQL backend for front50 using the document below.
I have fron50-local.yaml for the mysql config.
But, not sure how to disable persistent storage in halyard config. Here, I can not completely remove persistentStorage and persistentStoreType should be one of a3,azs,gcs,redis,s3,oracle.
There is no option to disable persistent storage here.
persistentStoreType: s3
azs: {}
rootFolder: front50
redis: {}
bucket: spinnaker
rootFolder: front50
maxKeys: 1000
oracle: {}
I’ve noticed the same issue just recently. Maybe this is because, for example Kayenta (which is an optional component to enable) is still missing the non-object storage persistent support, or…
I’ve created a GitHub issue on this here: https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker/issues/5447
So within your front50-local.yaml you will want to disable the service you used to utilize e.g.
You may need/want to remove the section from your halconfig and run your apply with
hal deploy apply --no-validate
There are a number of users dealing with these same issues and some more help might be found on the Slack: https://join.spinnaker.io/