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I have the following structure of info, that I need to convert into a JSON with properties and data. Originally its plain text, but I have converted it into an array to make it easier

 [ '# Server',
      'os:Linux 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 x86_64',
      '# Clients',
      '# Memory',
      'used_memory_lua_human:37.00K' ]

And im trying to parse it into something that looks like the below structure

  Server : { 
    redis_version : "5.0.5",
    redis_git_sha1: "00000000"
 Clients: {
    connected_clientes: 54,
    client_recent_max_input_buffer: 2,
 Memory: {
   used_memory: 1568376,
   used_memory_human: "1.50M"

So far I have been able to create the subobjects

{ Server: {},
  Clients: {},
  Memory: {},
  Persistence: {},
  Stats: {},
  Replication: {},
  CPU: {},
  Cluster: {},
  Keyspace: {} }

Using this code where i managed to create the objects:

var obj = {};
    for (let i in lines) {
        if (lines[i].includes("#")) {
            let prop = lines[i].toString()
            let propFormat = prop.substring(2)
            obj[propFormat] = {}
        } else if (!lines[i].includes("#") && lines[i] != "") {
            // console.log(lines[i])

But im stuck after that, can someone bring some light on how to continue?



  1. My suggestion would be something like this:

    //Declaring prop before the loop so that it isn't reset each iteration
    let prop;
    for(...) {
    } else if (!lines[i].includes("#") && lines[i] != "") {
                let split = lines[i].split(":");
                let key = split[0];
                let value = split[1];
                obj[prop][key] = value
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  2. I would use a forEach to loop through the array.

    Then using .substring to check if it’s a new ‘key’; remember that key so you can add all the values, until the next key is found;

    const data = [ '# Server', 'redis_version:5.0.5', 'redis_git_sha1:00000000', 'redis_git_dirty:0', 'redis_build_id:7983a619928f1f2d', 'redis_mode:standalone', 'os:Linux 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 x86_64', 'arch_bits:64', 'multiplexing_api:epoll', 'atomicvar_api:atomic-builtin', 'gcc_version:6.3.0', 'process_id:1', 'run_id:1348856f2bcc8af5cfef205f1880fedb68602201', 'tcp_port:6379', 'uptime_in_seconds:10484766', 'uptime_in_days:121', 'hz:10', 'configured_hz:10', 'lru_clock:11364638', 'executable:/data/redis-server', 'config_file:/etc/redis.conf', '', '# Clients', 'connected_clients:34', 'client_recent_max_input_buffer:2', 'client_recent_max_output_buffer:0', 'blocked_clients:0', '', '# Memory', 'used_memory:1568376', 'used_memory_human:1.50M', 'used_memory_rss:2768896', 'used_memory_rss_human:2.64M', 'used_memory_peak:5866848', 'used_memory_peak_human:5.60M', 'used_memory_peak_perc:26.73%', 'used_memory_overhead:1406080', 'used_memory_startup:791240', 'used_memory_dataset:162296', 'used_memory_dataset_perc:20.88%', 'allocator_allocated:1571256', 'allocator_active:2084864', 'allocator_resident:5722112', 'total_system_memory:33730531328', 'total_system_memory_human:31.41G', 'used_memory_lua:37888', 'used_memory_lua_human:37.00K' ];
    // Result
    let res = {};
    // Remember latest prop
    let latestProp = null;
    // For each data entry
    data.forEach((d) => {
        // Starting with #: new key
        const firstChar = d.substring(0, 1);
        if (firstChar === '#') {
            latestProp = d.substring(2);
            res[latestProp] = {};
        } else {
            // Add key-value
            let s = d.split(':');
            if (s.length > 1) {
                res[latestProp][s[0]] = s[1];
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  3. here is a working snippet using array.reduce , I also removed the "" values from the array

    const tobeConverted= [ '# Server',
          'os:Linux 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 x86_64',
          '# Clients',
          '# Memory',
          'used_memory_lua_human:37.00K' ]
     let index = 0;
     let keys=[]
     const reducedObj=tobeConverted.reduce((a,c)=>{
        const  key= c.split("#")[1].trim()
        return {...a,[key]:{}}
         const split =c.split(":")
         const subkey =split[0].trim()
         const subValue =split[1].trim()
         a[keys[index-1]][subkey] = subValue;
      return a
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  4. I think you can do something like this:

    function parse (lines) {
      const result = {};
      let section;
      lines.forEach((line) => {
        if (line) {
          if (line.startsWith('# ')) {
            section = line.substring(2);
            result[section] = {};
          } else {
            const [prop, value] = line.split(':');
            result[section][prop] = value;
      return result;
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  5. const textdata = [ '# Server', 'redis_version:5.0.5', 'redis_git_sha1:00000000', 'redis_git_dirty:0', 'redis_build_id:7983a619928f1f2d', 'redis_mode:standalone', 'os:Linux 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 x86_64', 'arch_bits:64', 'multiplexing_api:epoll', 'atomicvar_api:atomic-builtin', 'gcc_version:6.3.0', 'process_id:1', 'run_id:1348856f2bcc8af5cfef205f1880fedb68602201', 'tcp_port:6379', 'uptime_in_seconds:10484766', 'uptime_in_days:121', 'hz:10', 'configured_hz:10', 'lru_clock:11364638', 'executable:/data/redis-server', 'config_file:/etc/redis.conf', '', '# Clients', 'connected_clients:34', 'client_recent_max_input_buffer:2', 'client_recent_max_output_buffer:0', 'blocked_clients:0', '', '# Memory', 'used_memory:1568376', 'used_memory_human:1.50M', 'used_memory_rss:2768896', 'used_memory_rss_human:2.64M', 'used_memory_peak:5866848', 'used_memory_peak_human:5.60M', 'used_memory_peak_perc:26.73%', 'used_memory_overhead:1406080', 'used_memory_startup:791240', 'used_memory_dataset:162296', 'used_memory_dataset_perc:20.88%', 'allocator_allocated:1571256', 'allocator_active:2084864', 'allocator_resident:5722112', 'total_system_memory:33730531328', 'total_system_memory_human:31.41G', 'used_memory_lua:37888', 'used_memory_lua_human:37.00K' ];
    const parsedObj = {};
    for (data of textdata) {
        // checking for keys
        if (data.startsWith("#")) {
            parsedObj[data.split(" ")[1]] = {};
        if (Object.keys(parsedObj).length && data) {
            let lastKeyFound = Object.keys(parsedObj).pop();
            const [key, value] = data.split(':');
            parsedObj[lastKeyFound][key] = value
    // console.log(parsedObj)
    // converting parsedObj to json
    const textdataJson = JSON.stringify(parsedObj, null, 2)
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