I’m working on something in an older version of Node (8.x), and I wrote a function that counts values from a bunch of hashes in redis.
The problem is, the code always uses the default value of 0, because the function seems to run after its being used in the lines below it. I can see in my logs that the value returned from the function is not 0.
How can I ensure the function runs before it moves on and is used in the redis commands below it?
Thanks, sorry if this is a rookie qestion:
You can see below i’m defining blockEffort = 0. I then call the function below to get the real values. but by the time blockEffort is used in "redisCommands.push([‘sadd’, coin + ‘:blocksExplorer’, [dateNow, shareData.height, shareData.blockHash, shareData.worker, blockEffort].join(‘:’)]);" it’s still zero.
if (isValidBlock) {
var blockEffort = parseFloat(0);
this.getCurrentRoundShares(function (roundShares) {
logger.debug("calling GetCurrentRoundShares");
blockEffort = [roundShares / shareData.blockDiff];
logger.debug(`{"message": "Calculating Block Effort", "totalRoundShares": "${roundShares}", "blockEffort": "${blockEffort}"}`);
redisCommands.push(['rename', coin + ':shares:roundCurrent', coin + ':shares:round' + shareData.height]);
redisCommands.push(['rename', coin + ':shares:timesCurrent', coin + ':shares:times' + shareData.height]);
redisCommands.push(['sadd', coin + ':blocksPending', [shareData.blockHash, shareData.txHash, shareData.height].join(':')]);
redisCommands.push(['sadd', coin + ':blocksExplorer', [dateNow, shareData.height, shareData.blockHash, shareData.worker, blockEffort].join(':')]);
redisCommands.push(['zadd', coin + ':lastBlock', dateNow / 1000 | 0, [shareData.blockHash, shareData.txHash, shareData.worker, shareData.height, dateNow].join(':')]);
redisCommands.push(['zadd', coin + ':lastBlockTime', dateNow / 1000 | 0, [dateNow].join(':')]);
redisCommands.push(['hincrby', coin + ':stats', 'validBlocks', 1]);
redisCommands.push(['hincrby', coin + ':blocksFound', shareData.worker, 1]);
this.getCurrentRoundShares = function(cback) {
connection.hgetall('ravencoin:shares:roundCurrent', function(error,result) {
if (error) {
logger.error(`{"message": "Error getCurrentRoundShares", "data": "${error}"}`);
} else {
logger.debug(`{"message": "Calculating all shares in current round"}`);
var _shareTotal = parseFloat(0);
for (var worker in result) {
logger.debug(`{"message": "Shares for each Worker", "worker": "${worker}", "shares": "${parseFloat(result[worker])}"} }`);
_shareTotal += parseFloat(result[worker]);
logger.debug("Total Shares: " + _shareTotal );
function(err) {
if (err) {
logger.error(`{"message": "Error getCurrentRoundShares", "data": "${err}"}`);
The full file is here: https://github.com/devdevdevdev1/rvnpool/blob/main/shareProcessor.js
You could make the
function return aPromise
.Then, in your
function, you await for the responseThis should ensure that the code execution does not proceed further until you get a response from the
getCurrentRoundShares ()
function.If you’re using this redis module, then it already has promise support built-in and you can use that directly. You don’t show the calling code, but if you make the calling function
, you can do this: