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This is the data
"senderID": "64d9c926c17fd183a93d5e35",
"receiverID": "64d9c92dc17fd183a93d5e39",
"timestamp": "2023-08-14T07:39:45.946Z",
"content": "bru",
"status": "delivered",
"type": "chat",
"messageID": "8188946b-67e4-4d86-a927-32842361825c"

I just want to select all the status sent and change status to delivered

 if (messageIDs.length === 0) {

  async jsonSet(key: string, value: any, option?: string) {
    if (!option) {
      option = '$';
    console.log(key, option, value)
    await this.redisProvider.publisher.json.set(key, option, value);

I am failing to pass a string there called ‘sent’

Redis Query that failed

JSON.SET rooms:64d9c926c17fd183a93d5e35-64d9c92dc17fd183a93d5e39 $.*[?(@.status=="sent")].status '"delivered"' 

Help is appreciated, I am using npm with redis
node version is 20 and redis probably latest version as well

This works both on REDIS CLI and from node Client

JSON.SET rooms:64d9c926c17fd183a93d5e35-64d9c92dc17fd183a93d5e39 $.[*].status '"delivered"'

I have tried





I am failing to pass a string there called ‘sent’



  1. Some of these JSONPath things can be tricky. This one is invalid. What it does is start at the root with $. Then the .* selects all the fields on the object in the root. Since there are none, it returns none. Then, assuming those not-found fields are arrays, it matches each object in those array for a status property of sent. Where this matches, it selects those properties.

    I like to use to test out my JSON and corresponding paths. Makes the troubleshooting easier.

    Regardless, I got it to work with the following JSONPath:


    And here it is working from the CLI:> JSON.SET rooms:1234 $ '[ { "senderID": "64d9c926c17fd183a93d5e35", "receiverID": "64d9c92dc17fd183a93d5e39", "timestamp": "2023-08-14T07:39:45.946Z", "content": "bru", "status": "delivered", "type": "chat", "messageID": "8188946b-67e4-4d86-a927-32842361825c" }]'
    OK> JSON.GET rooms:1234 "$[?(@.status=='delivered')].status"
    "["delivered"]"> JSON.GET rooms:1234 "$[?(@.status=='sent')].status"

    I just did a JSON.GET but it should work find for JSON.SET too.

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  2. You can use this

    JSON.SET rooms:1234 '$.[?(@.status=="sent")].status' '"delivered"'

    To change all objects in the top-level array with status sent to be delivered

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