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I am using Angularjs for my frontend development. Recently I started implementing Webpack then I realized that angular.element($window).scrollTop() stopped working and started throwing error as “windowElement.width is not a function”. Following are old code and new code with webpack.

Old working code:

app.directive("ajnav", ['$window', '$location', function ($window, $location) {
        return {
            restrict: "E",
            templateUrl: "/templates/common/AJNav.html",
            replace: true,
            scope: {
                seo: '=',
                conf: '='
            link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
                //Bind event change the postion of AJ Nav on scroll
                var windowElement = angular.element($window);
                var onScrollHandler = function () {                    
                    //Get current height of iNav.
                    var iNavHeight = $("#iNavNGI_Header").height();
                    if (windowElement.scrollTop() > iNavHeight) {
                    else {
                //Bind event handler on scroll
                windowElement.on('scroll', scope.$apply.bind(scope, onScrollHandler));                


New code with webpack is throwing error:

var $ = require("jquery");
var angular = require("angular");
var Utilities = require("./../../utilities/Utilities");
var AppUtilities = require("./../../utilities/AppUtilities"); 
module.exports = ['$window', '$location', function ($window, $location) {
        return {
            restrict: "E",
            templateUrl: "/templates/common/AJNav.html",
            replace: true,
            scope: {
                seo: '=',
                conf: '='
            link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
                //Bind event change the postion of AJ Nav on scroll
                var windowElement = angular.element($window);
                var onScrollHandler = function () {
                    //Get current height of iNav.
                    var iNavHeight = $("#iNavNGI_Header").height();
                    if (windowElement.scrollTop() > iNavHeight) {
                    else {
                //Bind event handler on scroll
                windowElement.on('scroll', scope.$apply.bind(scope, onScrollHandler));                


Follownig is stacktrace for the exception I am getting.

TypeError: windowElement.scrollTop is not a function
    at (site.min.js:42181)
    at Scope.$get.Scope.$eval (ite.min.js:25066)
    at Scope.$get.Scope.$apply (site.min.js:25165)
    at eventHandler (site.min.js:12594)

I am binding this directive in my entry poing App.js as below

app.directive("ajnav", require("./directives/common/AJNav"));

I tried all the option I could but not able to fix it. Please help.



  1. scrollTop function is added by jquery, you must be loading jquery after angular. In that case you wont get $.fn functions added to the angular.element instance. You could as well do $$window) in that case. or $($window).scrollTop() or load jquery before angular so that your current code works as is.

    Side Note: You don’t have to do $(element), element is already jq(lite/query) wrapped which has add/removeClass function available already.

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  2. Angular is loading before JQuery.

    It’s also worth mentioning why you get that error instead of “scrollTop is undefined”.

    It’s because scrollTop is also a property of Element.

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