I am using lighthouse for creating performance reports for a bunch of our own websites. I also need to take a screenshot to see how the website looks on a desktop computer.
It seems like Lighthouse by default takes a screenshot with mobile resolution.
How can I change that?
I am trying to avoid using other libraries like Puppeteer if possible.
Here’s some code that runs lighthouse
import lighthouse from 'lighthouse';
import chromeLauncher from 'chrome-launcher';
const chrome = await chromeLauncher.launch({ chromeFlags: ['--headless'] });
const options = {
logLevel: 'info',
output: 'json',
onlyCategories: ['performance', 'accessibility', 'best-practices', 'seo'],
port: chrome.port
const runnerResult = await lighthouse(url, options);
Lighthouse returns display captures from the audits for:
– 120px x 213pxfinal-screenshot
– 280px x 498px
Can I get anything larger than that?
You need to make use of the
lighthouse CLI options
listed in the documentation – for example see the github readme and the node-npm documentation.There are many options, but the ones that are the most interesting option is:
Also please have a look at the device emulation / emulatedUserAgents, and specifically play with params like the following:
Have a look also at some additional configs located at: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/tree/master/lighthouse-core/config
Through Nodejs
In terms of launching through nodejs, I need to find my example that I had, but I did find the example from the documentation of lighthouse. In order to run lighthouse + chrome headless from nodejs use the following:
PS: Will update with more information soon
auditWorth to mention that in Lighthouse version 7.5 (don’t know how it is in previous versions) full sized screenshot is in audit named
.Take into account that this is a ‘full-page’ screenshot so its whole website from top to bottom (not only visible above-the-fold content).
Apart from this, @menelaos answer describes everything about manipulating window size and device emulating you would need to get screenshot of any size.