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I am about to make more SEO-friendly URLs on my page and want a pattern looking like this for my products:

So what are we looking at here?{slug1}/{slug2}-{id}

The only thing I will care about from the URL in my controller is the {id}. The rest two slugs are just of SEO purpose. So to my question. How can I get the 12 from a-pretty-long-seo-friendly-product-name-12?

I have tried{slug}/{slug}-{id} and in my controller to try and get $id. Id does not work. I am not able to able to separate it from from a-pretty-long-seo-friendly-product-name. So in my controller no matter how I do I get {slug2} and {id} concatenated.

Coming from rails it is a piece of cake there but can’t seem to figure out how to do that here in laravel.

I am sorry I formulated my question very unclear. I am looking for a way to do this in the routes file. Like in rails.



  1. You’re on the right track, but you can’t really logically separate /{slug}-{id} if you’re using dash-separated strings. To handle this, you can simply explode the chunks and select the last one:

    // routes/web.php
    Route::get('/{primarySlug}/{secondarySlugAndId}', [ExampleController::class, 'example']);
    // ExampleController.php
    public function example($primarySlug, $secondarySlugAndId){
      $parts = collect(explode('-', $secondarySlugAndId));
      $id = $parts->last();
      $secondarySlug = $parts->slice(0, -1)->implode('-');
      ... // Do anything else you need to do

    Given the URL, you would have the following variables:

    dd($primarySlug, $secondarySlug, $id);
    // "primary-slug"
    // "secondary-slug"
    // "99"

    The only case this wouldn’t work for is if your id had a dash in it, but that’s another layer of complexity that I hope you don’t have to handle.

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  2. Route::get('/test/{slug1}/{slug2}','IndexController@index');
    public function index($slug1, $slug2)
       $id_slug =  last(explode('-',$slug2));
       $second_slug = str_replace('-'.$id_slug,'',$slug2);
       dd($slug1, $second_slug,$id_slug);
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