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I’m building an online store based on CodeIgniter. I’d like URLs to look like this? What is the solution for this type of SEO friendly url.[product-category]/[product-sub category]

I need this url:

But my url is generated

/Product/ is my controller,
/item/ is function name,
/MQ==/ is my product id



  1. You can use routing to handle your request url. It’s simple. For example for your case:

    $route['women/sarees-sari'] = 'Product/item/MQ==';

    Codeigniter has _remap function that can be called on controllers. So you can call this on core controller or main controller, and call your function that wish.

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  2. CodeIgniter has very good routing System so you can modify your url as per your requirement and linking using /application/config/routes.php file.

    If you open this file first time, you will see only default controller, i.e $route[‘default_controller’] = ‘welcome’;
    but you can add as many routes as you want. Like in your case for seo, you should add
    $route[‘women-sarees-sari’] = ‘Product/item/MQ==’; and this will route the user from to correct controller and method.

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