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I’ve made a "paginator" app, that add such SEO optimisation for all my pages.
So I need to pass all visible page url through paginator.view
But, I want to keep my apps as structured as possible.

For an example here is a view for my gallery app:


from django.shortcuts import render
from gallery.models import GalleryItem

def home(request):
    img_to_display = GalleryItem.objects.filter(published=True
    return render(request, 'gallery/all.html', locals())

Now I’m doing like that form my view in paginator :

My current paginator.views

from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404, redirect

from gallery.models import GalleryItem
from paginator.models import Page

import gallery

def custom_page(request, url):
    current_page = url

    # just for the gallery page :
    if url == 'gallery':
        img_to_display = GalleryItem.objects.filter(published=True
    # for all my page
    page_to_load = get_object_or_404(Page, name=url)
    template_to_load = "paginator/" + page_to_load.template_name
    return render(request, template_to_load, locals())

So I copy/paste my view and all dependencies, but that is really ugly, and not at all DRY, worth it’s not maintainable. I try something like that but it doesn’t work :

paginator.views : option1

from django.shortcuts import render

import gallery

def custom_page(request, url):
    if url == 'gallery':
    if url == 'anotherpage':

Or something like that :

paginator.views : option 2

from django.shortcuts import render

def custom_page(request, url):
    if url == 'gallery':
    if url == 'anotherpage':

Note: I prefer the last style option because it minimize the import at the start of the paginator.views file.

Thanks a lot for helping ! 🙂



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Firstly I want to thanks Gocht to have sended me on a good way. So that's what I've done :


    def custom_page(request, url):
        Vue d'une page statique.
        if url == 'gallery':
            import gallery
            gal = gallery.views.render_gallery(request)
            gallery_html = gal.rendered_content
        if url == 'xxx':
        page_to_load = get_object_or_404(Page, url=url)
        template_to_load = "paginator/" + page_to_load.template_name
        return render(request, template_to_load, locals())


    from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
    from gallery.models import GalleryItem
    def render_gallery(request):
        img_to_display = GalleryItem.objects.filter(published=True
        return TemplateResponse(request, 'gallery/gallery.html', locals())

    But yes, now, I understand that something like simP will be more clean. Thanks !

  2. If you need a mechanism which is executed before the request is dispatched to a view, I would recommend using a middleware class. You can read more about it in the Django docs.

    Another option is to use class based views to create a SEOView which can be inherited by every custom page view of yours. Some example of how it could look like:

    from django.views.generic.base import View
    class MySeoView(View):
      def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # some logic for SEO 
        return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
    class CustomView1(MySeoView):
      def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # do normal stuff for this page
        return HttpResponse(...)
      def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # maybe some other logic for posts
        return HttpResponse(...)

    To come back to your own options:

    If you want to make #1 work, I guess you have to return the result of the view:

    if url == 'someUrl':
      return gallery.views.home(request)
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