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HTML5 template tags are meant to be completely inert as if the content doesn’t exist in the source but is that the case when Google crawls and then indexes a webpage?

Does anyone have any data that can prove one way or another that Google indexes or doesn’t index content within template tags? Template tags are great but I don’t want to use them if they adversely affect SEO



  1. I was curious about this as well, as I was thinking about using the <template> tag as a form of server-side rendering or pre-rending some content that would be updated via AJAX/JS once the page is ready.

    I checked the Google Webmaster Tools Structured Data Tester to see if it would read microdata out of HTML tags that were placed inside the <template> tag.

    google structured data template tag test

    As you can see from the screenshot, it does seem to read the data that is inside the <template> tag. I wouldn’t consider this a verified answer, but it does suggest that the parser (at least when it comes to HTML microdata) doesn’t ignore content inside <template> tags.

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  2. I experienced something today that would confirm it does affect SEO.

    I just received a warning from the Google Search Console about increasing 404 errors, and almost all URL in error are in that form: /some-path/some-page/$%7Bconsent.infoURL%7D.

    Once URL decoded, we can see that ${consent.infoURL} is a variable I use in a template tag, on a href attribute:

    <template data-template="cookie-notice">
        `<div data-cookie-notice class="cookie-notice" role="dialog">
        <span class="cookie-notice-caption">${consent.captionText}</span>
        <a class="cookie-notice-link" href="${consent.infoURL}">${consent.linkText}</a>
        <button data-button-consent type="button" class="cookie-notice-button">${consent.buttonText}</a>

    So Google Bot indeed follows links in template tags.

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