I want to create unique slug for same title.
Example – www.xcv.com/ght-ghy/
Example 1 – www.xcv.com/ght-ghy-1/
Here is my controller code:
public function addPostDetails(Request $request) {
$postTitle = $request->postTitle;
$postDesc = $request->postDesc;
$postCat = $request->postCat;
$postTags = $request->tagid;
$tags = explode(",", $postTags);
$postglobid = date('y') . date('s') . $postCat . rand(0000, 9999);
$posturl = Str::slug($postTitle, '-');
$galImg = array();
$postimgnm = NULL;
if($postimg = $request->hasFile('postWallImage')) {
$postimg = $request->file('postWallImage');
$postimgnm = $postimg->getClientOriginalName();
$storeTo = public_path() . '/images/' . $postglobid;
File::makeDirectory($storeTo, $mode = 0777, true, true);
$postimg->move($storeTo, $postimgnm);
if($postimges = $request->hasFile('postImgGal')) {
$postimges = $request->file('postImgGal');
foreach($postimges as $imgs) {
$postimgnms = $imgs->getClientOriginalName();
$storeTo = public_path() . '/images/' . $postglobid . '/gallery/';
File::makeDirectory($storeTo, $mode = 0777, true, true);
$imgs->move($storeTo, $postimgnms);
array_push($galImg, $postimgnms);
$savecat = $this->savePostByCategory($postCat, $postglobid, 'createcat');
$savetag = $this->savePostByTag($tags, $postglobid, 'createtag');
$savepost = new Post;
$savepost->post_global_id = $postglobid;
$savepost->post_title = $postTitle;
$savepost->post_desc = $postDesc;
$savepost->post_img = $postimgnm;
$savepost->post_img_gal = json_encode($galImg);
$savepost->post_url = $posturl;
return redirect('/seo/viewallpost')->with('postSuccess', 'Blog has been Posted Successfully');
Try to append the id of the record in the new slug. I believe the record id is unique.
You can use
library to achieve thishttps://github.com/cviebrock/eloquent-sluggable
Slugs tend to be unique as well. So if you write another post with the same title, you’d want to distinguish between them somehow, typically with an incremental counter added to the end of the slug:
To achieve this just update model
Your models should use the
Sluggable trait
, which has an abstract methodsluggable()
that you need to define.