I have this class for a megamenu used in a category menu for an ecommerce web application.
class categories {
var $categorie;
var $tabs;
var $subcategorie;
var $website;
var $coloane = 3;
var $randuri = 10;
function tabs(){
global $pdoconnect;
$stmt = $pdoconnect->query("SELECT * FROM taburi WHERE vizibil = '1' ORDER BY ordine ASC");
$tabs = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$tabs_c = $stmt->rowCount();
$return = "";
if($tabs_c > 0){
$i = 1;
$return .= "n<ul class="tabs">n";
foreach($tabs as $t){
$return .= "t<li class="level0">n";
$return .= "tt<div class="tab-title">n";
$return .= "ttt<span class="tab-image">n";
$return .= "tttt".'<img src="'.$this->website.'/media/taburi/'.$t['logo'].'" />'."n";
$return .= "ttt</span>n";
$return .= $t['nume'];
$return .= "tt</div>n";
$return .= "t".'<div class="level1 hmm-megamenu-box">'."n";
$return .= $this->categorie($t['id']);
$return .= "t</div>n";
$return .= "t</li>n";
$return .= "</ul>";
return $return;
function categorie($tab){
global $pdoconnect;
$return = "";
$stmt = $pdoconnect->prepare("SELECT * FROM categorii WHERE tab =:tab AND vizibil='1'");
$stmt->bindValue(':tab', $tab, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$categorie = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$categorie_c = $stmt->rowCount();
if($categorie_c > 0){
$i = 0;
$return .= "<div class="hmm-megamenu-block">n";
foreach ($categorie as $cat) {
$return .= "t<div class="hmm-megamenu-column">n";
// if($i % 2 == 0 && !empty($i) && $this->countSubcategorii($cat['categorie']) <= $this->randuri){
// $return .= "</div><div class="hmm-megamenu-column">n";
// }
$return .= "ttt<a class="head-list">".$cat['categorie']."<i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 8px; margin-left: 5px;"></i></a>n";
$return .= $this->subcategorie($cat['categorie']);
$return .= "tt</div>n";
$return .= "</div>";
return $return;
function subcategorie($cat){
global $pdoconnect;
$return = "";
$stmt = $pdoconnect->prepare("SELECT * FROM categorii WHERE categorie=:categorie AND subcategorie IS NOT NULL");
$stmt->bindValue(':categorie', $cat, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$subcategorie = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$subcategorie_c = $stmt->rowCount();
if($subcategorie_c > 0){
foreach ($subcategorie as $scat) {
$return .= "t".'<a href="'.$this->website.'/c/'.strtolower($scat['seo']).'">'.$scat['subcategorie'].'</a>'."n";
return $return;
For the moment the menu items looks like this
but the desired result should be
How can i get this result just with php?
I suspect the problem is two fold, in both style and HTML markup.
From a style perspective, your current layout is more or less a grid. You need something a lot more fluid within your CSS.
To allow this, you might need to pre-calculate columns so that you know you’re evenly distributing X groups with a total of Y items into 3 columns. This lets you deal with cases where one group may have more items than can fit in the height of the menu (and need to overflow).