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I am currently planning to develop a web application using NuxtJS/NextJS framework with SSR Universal architecture, I am facing difficulties related to SEO, because previously my project was written in .NET , so all URLs have .html at the end..


  • (this is Cate)
  • (this is a Sub cate of Hotels Cate)

The example above is specific to my problem, which means that according to Google, the shorter the URL, the better, so my pages have all been shortened to a single "/", however because of the structure page has 2 hierarchies, Cate and Sub cate, so for Google to distinguish this, the URL (sub cate) must insert .html at the end.

Can I use NuxtJS/NextJS build pages with the same URL as above?, I have researched but found a specific solution, maybe my experience is not much so I need the help of experts on NuxtJS/NextJS



  1. I’m not an expert in SEO, but I would just use 5-star as a query in

    This would mean you could use the single hierarchy like so:

    As far as using html files as URL routing for the site, the nuxt generate property builds the project into html files which is under your control. The structure comes from what you set in the pages directory

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  2. yeah, in nuxtjs, you can use @nuxtjs/router to custom your router path like this


    buildModules: [


    import Vue from 'vue';
    import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
    const page = path => () => import(`./pages/${path}.vue`).then(m => m.default || m);
    const routes = [
            path: '/hotels-:star-star.html',
            name: 'hotels',
            props: true,
            component: page('hotels')
    export function createRouter(){
        return new VueRouter({


            {{ star }}
    export default{
        props: {
            star: {
                type: Number

    enter image description here

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  3. Nowadays, all modern apps are having some pretty URLs looking like
    With a trailing slash at the end. Don’t mix and match them. Either put them everywhere or nowhere.
    SEO-wise, trailing slashes do not matter, you can let them.

    Modern JS frameworks are doing a great job at this, and they know that if you reach, you’re actually wanting to serve the .html (aka the .vue) file in it, no need to add it.

    In Nuxt.js, the directory structures would look like this:

    -- pages
    ---- hotels.vue


    -- pages
    ---- hotels
    ------ index.vue

    As for this

    the shorter the URL, the better

    Don’t stress it too much, you don’t need to make super shorts paths neither.

    Just keep it semantic and logic. Having will be super bad.
    Also, having or is totally fine.
    Basically, make them somehow readable for the end user.

    PS: be aware that Next.js >> React and Nuxt.js >> VueJS.

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