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is it possible with jquery to use DOM to find an a link inside a div, such as

<div id="something">
<a href="somewhere" title="something">

and append a datum to the link – in my case a google events tag:

onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', ' PDF Downloads', ‘Click', 'SEO For Beginners');"

dynamically to the a link so that the end result would be:

<div id="something">
<a href="somewhere" title="something" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', ' PDF Downloads', ‘Click', 'SEO For Beginners');">

thank you for your time; any help would be greatly appreciated



  1. It would be better if you just catch desired element with selector and bind a function to it, instead of binding a function directly in DOM.

    $('#something a').click(function() {
      _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', ' PDF Downloads', 'Click', 'SEO For Beginners']);
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="something">
      <a href="somewhere" title="something">
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  2. let tag = $('#something').find('a');
    tag[0].onClick = "_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', ' PDF Downloads', ‘Click', 'SEO For Beginners')";

    you find the div you need by id, and by using function find() you serach your a tag.

    After that you just refer to the DOM object of your tag by tag[0] and set onClick whatever you like.

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