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I’m implementing category structure , some products would have one level category but other may have two or more level :




as i dont know how depth it would be and using category slugs is only for seo (i find post only by its slug) what is the best way to create a route to handle this structure?



  1. You can solve this with:

    Route::get('posts/{categories}', 'PostController@categories')

    And then in controller

    class PostController
        public function categories($categories)
            $categories = explode('/', $categories);
            $postSlug = array_pop($categories)
            // here you can manage the categories in $categories array and slug of the post in $postSlug
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  2. I did something similar, this in PostController.php using

    public function slug($slug) { return $this->show(Post::where('slug', @end(explode('/', $slug)))->firstOrFail()); }

    In routes/web.php

    Route::get ('posts/{slug}', 'PostController@slug')->name('post.slug')->where(['slug' => '^(?!((.*/edit$)|(create$))).*D+.*$']);
    Route::resource('posts', 'PostController');

    If you want to use the full category list as the slug, just change the slug function:

    public function slug($slug) { return $this->show(Post::where('slug', $slug)->firstOrFail()); }
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  3. I spend many hours for researching, googing, testing to achive this and this is the most simpy way and clean way!

    You will achive this:

    www.example/ <-- Home 

    Before start:

    1. Database column (slug) must be unique
    2. You must write full path in database to avoid cinficts


    You write post about BMW tyres:

    So in DB slug column you save value like this:


    Steps how i slove this

    First make route

    Route::get('/{categories?}', [WebSiteController::class, 'index'])->where('categories', '^[a-zA-Z0-9-_/]+$')->name('slug');

    Here take care to provide ? on param. If you miss this you can’t route homepage. Category will be required!


    Create controller method

    public function index($categories = null)
        // get categories in array
        $cats = explode('/', $categories);
        // make array to string used for slug
        $cat_slug = implode('/', $cats);
        // remove last url param. Used when you route only category without post
        $post = array_pop($cats);
        // Its simple alias (name convention) 
        $post_slug = $cat_slug;  
        // No url params provided? Show home page
        if(!$categories) {
            return view('website.homepage');
        // Category param exist
        else if($categories) {
            // Get category based on url slug
            $category = PostCategory::where('slug', $cat_slug)->with('childrens')->first();
            // Here we must determine if category or post. If category not found we load post. 
            // Category does not exist! Load post 
            if(!$category) {
                $post = Post::where('slug', $post_slug)->first();
                return view('', compact('post'));
            // Category founded load it and their childs
            else {
                $posts = Post::where('post_category_id', $category->id)->get();
                return view('testing.category', compact('category', 'posts'));
            // Nothing founded! Show 404
            else {

    Category Blade

    @section('title', $category->name)
    <h1>{{ $category->name }}</h1>
    <ul class="list-inline">
        @foreach($category->childrens as $child)
        <li><a href="{{ url($child->slug)}}">{{$child->name}}</a></li>
    @if($posts->count() > 0)
        @foreach($posts as $post)
        <li><a href="{{ url($post->slug)}}">{{$post->title}}</a></li>

    Post Blade

    @section('title', $post->title)
    <h1>{{ $post->title }}</h1>

    Whit this you cant make mistake. Dont waste hours like me! I just provide simple example you can now have new idea!

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