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I’ve got 90% of my site finished, up until now it’s been passing round model IDs from page to page as such:


I’m using models bound within the web.php like so:

Route::get('{post}/content/{comment}', 'ContentController@index');

This is working fine.

I would like to change the URL so it’s more user/SEO friendly so it displays as such:


I know I can do a look-up in the controller for every index, however I was wondering if there was a more automated way to convert the URL when an ID is used, such as a middleware perhaps, or is doing a look-up everytime I need to do it the only way forward?

Any help would be appreciated.



  1. You dont need to do that through middleware…

    The Eloquent’s models has a method that indicates what column will be used by the router to lookup the binded model, you just need to override it.

    Example for the post’s model:

    namespace AppModelsPost;
    use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel;
    use IlluminateSupportFacadesRoute;
    class Post extends Model
        public function getRouteKeyName(): string {
            $identifier = Route::current()->parameters()['post'];
            if (!ctype_digit($identifier)) {
                return 'your-slug-col-name';
            return 'id';

    This way your route will work with id or slug…

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  2. One easy way is use explicit model binding

    in app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php in method boot you can define your bindings

    For ex:

    public function boot()
           return Post::whereSlug($value)->firstOrFail();
           return Comment::whereSlug($value)->firstOrFail();

    and in your Route.php:

    Route::get('{postSlug}/content/{commentSlug}', 'ContentController@index');

    hope this is helpful

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