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On the sell page of our site, when a user goes through the process the footer is going up and down which gets a little annoying.

The selling page

This is the custom CSS I am using:

.ajax-loader,.offer-n-accept,.thumbnail{text-align:center}.repop-row,.repop-row-selected{border:1px solid #ebebeb;padding:20px}#declaration,#save_data,.ajax-loader,.error-msg,.payment_information,.previews{display:none}@font-face{font-family:brandfont;src:url(Inversionz.otf)}.branded{font-family:brandfont;font-size:300%;color:#FFF}.navbar .navbar-brand{font-family:brandfont;font-size:40px;color:#f5f5f5}.navbar-inverse .navbar-brand{font-family:brandfont;font-size:40px;color:#FFF}.navbar-default .navbar-brand:hover{font-family:brandfont;font-size:40px;color:#2E64FE}.row.repsteps,.row.steps{margin-bottom:10px;text-align:center;display:none}.thumbnail{cursor:pointer}.thumbnail:hover{border-color:#2E64FE}h1 span{color:#2E64FE}.offer-n-accept span{font-size:80px}.footer-links{color:#ebebeb;margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px}.repop-row,.repop-row-selected{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}footer.well{background-color:#000;color:#FFF;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;border-top:10px solid #2e64fe}.social-icons{font-size:43px;color:#fff}.repop-row{border-radius:2px;width:90%;height:90%;cursor:pointer}.repop-row-selected{border-radius:2px;width:90%;height:90%;background-color:#2e64fe;color:#fff;cursor:pointer}.repop-row:hover{border-color:#2e64fe}.repop-row-selected .repop-price-col{font-size:20px;color:#333;background-color:#fff;border-radius:2px;padding:5px}.repop-price-col,.selected .thumbnail{background-color:#2e64fe}.repop-price-col{font-size:20px;color:#fff;border-radius:2px;padding:5px}.repop-row-selected .repop-title-col{font-size:20px;margin-top:4px;color:#fff}.repop-title-col{font-size:20px;margin-top:4px}.selected .thumbnail .caption{color:#fff}.thumbnail .preview-title{font-size:16px;color:#2e64fe}span.device-price{font-size:40px;color:#337AB7;font-weight:700}.facebook-icon:hover{color:#3A5795}.twitter-icon:hover{color:#2B7BB9}.howitworks{background-color:#F2F2F2;padding:50px;margin-bottom:0}.howitworks div h3{color:#2e64fe}.howitworks div span.fa{font-size:80px}.accessory-selected .thumbnail{background-color:#2e64fe}.accessory-selected .thumbnail .caption h3{color:#FFF}.social-icons{margin:5px}.faq{background-color:#FAFAFA}.item img{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}.feature h2{color:#2e64fe}.btn-toolbar .btn{margin-bottom:5px}@media(max-width:767px){.h1,h1{font-size:32px}.h3,h3{font-size:18px}}

This is the layout file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
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  $sell_active = '';
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  if(uri_string() == 'sell') {
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  1. you can set position to position: absolute; and then your footer will be in the same place.
    position: relative; will make it bounce, if you added it please change it to position: absolute; and add top: 1000px or any height.

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  2. You should consider using a sticky footer

    <footer class="footer">
      <!-- Your footer content here -->

    The sticky <footer> can be found here and the css here

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  3. Two suggestions for you off the top of my head could be:

    Give your <div class="section-md"> a minimum height so it’ll push down the footer, the width of a screen varies a lot but the the height not so often. Then it’ll also follow further down on smaller devices.

    Alternatively you can make a <div id="footer"> and give it a fixed position to make sure it’ll always be in the bottom, in case you wanna have that infomation displayed at all time.

    However, more solutions are possible for this problem.

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  4. Good option about sticky footer.

    You can also add an extra class (fx.: order-steps) to the section with class section-md that contains all the steps. Add a property to

    .order-steps {
    min-height: 600px

    This will make ‘room’ for the content in the different steps.

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