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i have some problems here and i need help.

I have a table called posts, another table called tags and many-to-many relationship between them called item_tags

Here is the strucutre:


  • id
  • title
  • description


  • id
  • name
  • seo


  • id
  • post_id
  • tag_id

So let’s say now i want to build a query to match multiple tags by having their tag_id already. For an example let’s try to match all posts which has tag_id 11, tag_id 133 and tag_id 182. What i could do was selecting them with OR operator but these are not the results i want because what i want is to match all posts which has all mentioned tags only not just if contains some…

My query was:

SELECT * FROM item_tags WHERE tag_id=’11’ OR tag_id=’133′ OR tag_id=’182′

Which is wrong…

Here is a screenshot of the table:

PS: I want to build a search based on multiple keywords (tags).

Thank you!



  1. If you want all posts that have been tagged with all three tags, then you could use:

    select p.*
    from posts p
    where exists (select 1 from item_tags a where a.post_id = and a.tag_id = 11)
      and exists (select 1 from item_tags a where a.post_id = and a.tag_id = 133)
      and exists (select 1 from item_tags a where a.post_id = and a.tag_id = 182)

    If you want posts tagged with any of those three tags use:

    select p.*
    from posts p
    where exists (select 1 from item_tags a where a.post_id = and a.tag_id = 11)
       or exists (select 1 from item_tags a where a.post_id = and a.tag_id = 133)
       or exists (select 1 from item_tags a where a.post_id = and a.tag_id = 182)
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  2. Important Note: I have not tested it!

    SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id IN(SELECT post_id FROM item_tags WHERE item_tags.tag_id='11' OR item_tags.tag_id='133' OR item_tags.tag_id='182');
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  3. You can group result by post_id and then save only those having all tags linked

    select * 
    from posts 
    where id in (
        select post_id 
        from item_tags 
        where tag_id in (11,133,182) 
        group by post_id 
        having count(tag_id)=3
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