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I am using eval to execute php code that is coming from a database. The code is for meta tags and page title. One example looks like this (this is stored in a table):

$name . " test page title |".SiteSettings::getSiteNameAlternate();

And then in the controller I do this ($seo is an object that has the meta_title, and that element has the exact string from the db):

$pageTitle = isset($seo->meta_title) ? @eval("echo $seo->meta_title") : null;

I am using Larevel framework and I pass that page title to the blade template, and this works. The blade code

<title>{{ isset($page_title) ? $page_title : SiteSettings::defaultPageTitle() }}</title>

The issue is because the echo in the eval I get the page title on top of the page also.

I tried using print (dumb I know) and printf. Did not work. Any idea how to put the value of that eval in a variable without output on the screen?



  1. $pageTitle = isset($seo->meta_title) ? @eval("return $seo->meta_title;") : null;

    it will assign $seo->meta_title to $pageTitle if $seo->meta_title is set, and null otherwise.

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  2. If I can understand your question correctly, the issue appears because you did an echo inside eval which will then executed. So instead, you should store the value of $seo->meta_title to variable and then let the view echo it.

    In your controller, store meta title value as page title if isset, unless null

    $pageTitle = null;
    if (isset($seo->meta_title)) {
        $metaTitle = '';
        eval("$metaTitle = "$seo->meta_title";");
        $pageTitle = $metaTitle;

    Then in your view

    <title>{{ isset($page_title) ? $page_title : SiteSettings::defaultPageTitle() }}</title>
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  3. A good way to store results is with ob_start, ob_get_contents and ob_end_clean

    /*start buffering;*/
    eval(echo isset($seo->meta_title) ? $seo->meta_title : "");
    /* now catch the Buffer of the eval */
    $pageTitle = ob_get_contents();
    /* pageTitle contains now the value of the buffered echo */
    /* stop buffering; */

    now use the Controller as you wanted

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