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For SEO reasons I want to give Google more info about our magazine, which is part of our website. Google recognizes that there is paginated content. So I was told to add, for every page of the magazine, next and prev metatags/links like so (for example for page 3):

<link rel="prev" href="" />
<link rel="next" href="" />

We’re using JSON with the Kaminari gem to paginate our articles.
Here’s the magazine_controller‘s index action:

def index
  @articles = MagazineArticle.visible
                             .order(published_at: :desc)
  @slider_articles = @articles.first(3)
  @advertisement = Advertisement.for_start_page


  respond_to do |format|
    format.json { render_new_page(@articles, @advertisement) }

# the method that renders the new page (as JSON)
def render_new_page(articles, advertisement)
  render json: {
    content: {
      articles: render_to_string(
        partial: 'magazine/article_page',
        locals: { articles: articles, advertisement: advertisement }
      link: render_to_string(
        partial: 'magazine/load_more_button',
        locals: { articles: articles }

Also we are using the Metatags gem to handle metatags.

I wrote a method which adds the links relative to
the current page with a method which I call in the index action
as you can see in above controller code:

def set_pagination_meta_tags(page)
  page = page.to_i
  case page
  when 0..1
    set_meta_tags(next: magazine_url(I18n.locale, page: 2))
  when @articles.total_pages
    set_meta_tags(prev: magazine_url(I18n.locale, page: @articles.total_pages - 1))
  when [email protected]_pages - 1
    set_meta_tags(prev: magazine_url(I18n.locale, page: page-1))
    set_meta_tags(next: magazine_url(I18n.locale, page: page+1))

But this works only for the first page, then JSON is used to navigate / load more and this doesn’t change the meta tags.

Before going deeper i want to know: Is it possible at all to set these links up? Does it make sense for this kind of (dynamic) pagination?



  1. Kaminari will actually do this for you – see the relevant documentation here:

    If you want to delve a little deeper into the implementation, then it looks like this is the PR that added it:

    TLDR – add this to your view

    # In head:
      <%= yield :head %>
    # Somewhere in body:
    <% content_for :head do %>
      <%= rel_next_prev_link_tags @articles %>
    <% end %>
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  2. Similar to what you are already using you could just return the some rendered meta_pagination partial which contains

    = rel_next_prev_link_tags @articles

    Your render_new_page would look like this

    def render_new_page(articles, advertisement)
      render json: {
        content: {
          articles: render_to_string(
            partial: 'magazine/article_page',
            locals: { articles: articles, advertisement: advertisement }
          link: render_to_string(
            partial: 'magazine/load_more_button',
            locals: { articles: articles }
          meta_pagination: render_to_string(
            partial: 'layouts/meta_pagination',
            locals: { articles: articles }

    (adjust the path to the meta pagination partial)

    Then in your javascript remove the rel next/prev

    $("head link[rel='next']").remove();
    $("head link[rel='prev']").remove();

    and append the new content to html head with


    with var metaPagination = response.content.meta_pagination;

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