I would like to create a SEO friendly URL pattern on clientside. The ID of an article is fetched from the server by searching for the ID.
I would like to integrate the title of the article in the URL on the clientside, to have more SEO friendly URLs.
That means, only the last part of the URL must be considered to fetch the data correctly from the server. All hyphens before must be ignored.
How can I achieve this using React Router?
The following example with a user’s profile.
So bascially the implementation is:
And I would like to attach a SEO-friendly string. That means, the router only must consider the "small_id", not the string before
<Route exact path="/" element={<Home />} />
<Route exact path="/chats" element={<Chats />} />
<Route exact path="/profil" element={<Profile />} />
<Route path="/vendor/:small_id" element={<ViewProfile />} />
<Route exact path="/dashboard" element={<Dashboard />} />
<Route exact path="/verwaltung" element={<File />} />
SearchResults.js (This links to the profile)
<div className="section-box profile" key={key} onClick={() => navigate('/vendor/' + user.small_id)}>
ViewProfile.js (The profile of the found users)
const { small_id } = useParams(); // Must match the pattern used in the router
React.useEffect(() => {
axios.get('/api/profiles/get/' + small_id)
.then(res => {
if (res.status === 200) {
.catch(err => {
//toast.error("Der Benutzer wurde nicht gefunden", { theme: 'colored' });
}, []);
I did some research and discovered that React Router V6 does not accept optional parameters anymore. So I came up with the following solution:
That means the path can look like: https://mywebsite.com/vendor/+843242
And ":seo" is basically optional. You do not need this, if you implement the server routing like this:
So everything before :+small_id can be fully customized for SEO purposes. You can route what you want clientside.
So I would change your route to the following:
I would then re build your link to include those:
The below should still work:
** Please note I have not tested this!