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I want my site to be indexed in search engines except few sub-directories. Following are my robots.txt settings:

robots.txt in the root directory

User-agent: *
Allow: /

Separate robots.txt in the sub-directory (to be excluded)

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

Is it the correct way or the root directory rule will override the sub-directory rule?



  1. Yes there are

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /

    The above directive is useful if you are developing a new website and do not want search engines to index your incomplete website.
    also,you can get advanced infos right here

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  2. You can manage them with robots.txt which sits in the root directory. Make sure to have allow patterns before your disallow patterns.

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  3. No, this is wrong.

    You can’t have a robots.txt in a sub-directory. Your robots.txt must be placed in the document root of your host.

    If you want to disallow crawling of URLs whose paths begin with /foo, use this record in your robots.txt (

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /foo

    This allows crawling everything (so there is no need for Allow) except URLs like

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