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I built out a nextjs 13 webapp using clerk for auth. The issue is that the homepage of the web app isn’t discoverable on Google. when i Test Live URL, this is how it looks:
enter image description here

I’ve done basic implementation of seo in the app. But i see this in vercel whenever i try to crawl the website:
enter image description here

I suspected Clerk Middleware is the issue, but i’ve added homepage in public routes enter image description here

If someone can help, that’d be very helpful!



  1. I was getting Unauthorized using clerk middleware aswell but I couldn’t figure out a solution, so I just go back to previous middleware version and everything works fine. (sorry bad English)

    import { withClerkMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs/server";
    import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
    import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server'
    export default withClerkMiddleware((req: NextRequest) => {
    // Stop Middleware running on static files
    export const config = { matcher:  '/((?!_next/image|_next/static|favicon.ico).*)',};
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  2. Also having this same issue with next and clerk, It happens when I try to embed a public route inside an iframe on another website.

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