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i am using googlesearch library in python for scraping google search results . although if i type normal words in chrome i get results..but while sending the search string thriugh python library googlesearch i am unable to get same result it adds unwantingly %20 or + signs in backend due to which i am unable to scrape

from googlesearch import search
from urllib.parse import quote
query = input("Enter the company name:")
z=”’-intitle:"profiles" -inurl:"dir/ " OR Current: ”’ + ”’"”’ + query

for i,result in enumerate (search_results,start=1):



  1. I met this problem recently with handling file names and fetching them using php. Because when i fetched a file name it returned " examplefilename.txt" with a space at the beginning of the string.
    I essentially had to replace every " " or space with a "-" or dash, since when your string gets encoded, it replaces the space with "%20".

    I believe you can fix this by obtaining the search query, check for spaces in the string and replacing them with "+" and then combining the url with the query to achieve the desired result.


    raw_query = str(input("Search query>"))
    processed_query = raw_query.replace(" ", "+")
    #Rest of your code goes here

    This applies the same if you want to obtain a url.
    you can split the query into the url and the query and then splitting the query and removing all the "%20" of "+" in between.

    Alternatively, you can use urllib.parse.

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  2. You don’t need to use quote() by yourself.
    In the googlesearch module, they implement the function using request.get(url, params={"q": term}) instead of request.get(url + f"?q={term}").
    This means the query has already used quote_plus() for you.

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