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I have Job model and Location model in my rails application. I am using postgresql as a i have location_ids as an array field in my Job model for holding locations. I am using FeriendlyId in my application to make my url friendly. when i go to my job show page i am getting this friendly url


but now i also want to include the locations the job has in my url , something like this


i know we can use slug_candidates for this purpose. but i dont know how can i achieve this exactly

currently i have this in my Job model

 extend FriendlyId
 friendly_id :slug_candidates, use: [:slugged, :finders]

 def slug_candidates
    [:title, :id]



  1. You need to define a custom method to generate your slug definition, and then tell FriendlyId to use that method.

    The documentation gives this example:

    class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
      friendly_id :name_and_location
      def name_and_location
        "#{name} from #{location}"
    bob = Person.create! :name => "Bob Smith", :location => "New York City"
    bob.friendly_id #=> "bob-smith-from-new-york-city"

    So in your case, you would use something like this:

    class SomeClass
      friendly_id :job_name_and_location
      def job_name_and_location
        "#{name} #{' ')}"

    I’ve made a few assumptions:

    • Your job model has a name attribute (seo training)
    • Your job model has_many locations, each of which have a name attribute

    We then create a method which defines the non-friendly string which FriendlyId will use to create a slug from. In this case it’ll come up with something like SEO Training Mumbai Tokyo and use that to create your seo-training-mumbai-tokyo slug.

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  2. You can use something like the following:

    extend FriendlyId
     friendly_id :slug_candidates, use: [:slugged, :finders]
     def slug_candidates
       locs = Location.where("id IN(?)", self.location_ids).collect{|l|}.join("-") // here, we find the locations for the current job, then joins the each locations name with a '-' sign
       return self.title+"-"+locs // here, returns the job title with the location names

    So, if your current Job holds location_ids = [1,2,3]
    then from Location table we find the locations with id = 1,2,3. Then join their names.

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