javascript code (repeat order 1):
<div class="col-ea-1 repeat-order repeatable-order"> #common row in other snippets
<button data-order-group-id="a9755447-04ff-4d00-59bf-06ff87f8ead6" #different row
class="ys-btn ys-btn-primary ys-btn-aa middle repeat-order-button"> REPEAT ORDER </button> ==$0
In the above snippet javascript code, there is more than one for each order (button data-order-group-id is different for each order) I also want to reach and click the REPEAT ORDER button for each order How can I do this in this piece of code?
@cruisepandey your code is working well but due to the website's specific conditions which are help center fixed box and ORDER REPEAT buttons can overlap somehow That's why I used "window.scrollTo" before in addition to your code
You can try with the below xpath :
for single row, andfind_elements
for multiple row.sample code :